Review Envy

Dec 04, 2006 21:58

I'm disappointed with myself for caring so much whether people review my posted fan fiction or not.

It seems to me that, given that there's no money in fan fiction, the only reasons to do it are (1) to have the creative experience itself, (2) to touch other people, and (3) to get to indulge yourself in the characters and the settings you love.  ( Read more... )

reviews, fanfic, self-doubt, awards

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rhetoretician December 6 2006, 03:30:11 UTC
I voted for her story too, even though I really liked yours. Your prominence doesn't keep anyone from anything, except for those readers who only read the things that get rewards or a lot of reviews.

There's a quotation from Donald Kingsbury's novel Courtship Rite (a really fun, weird book, by the way) that I can't give you verbatim because all our books are packed away until this beknighted home renovation is over. Here's the gist of it: "There once was a girl who had beautiful dreams. She sang in the street, telling passers-by of her dreams and begging coins to help her realize them. As each listener gave her a coin, she sewed it into her dress. Years passed, and she became an old woman, her clothes in rags, still in the street, her dress held together only by the coins. A passer-by came and handed her a coin, saying, 'Sing to me of your dreams.' Her reply, as she snatched it from his hand, was, 'I dream of coins.' "

Dave, you've caught the feeling exactly. Part of me thinks that this is the two different sides of my brain warring with each other -- the right brain wants truth & beauty, the left brain wants a measurable reward. Or maybe this is my Hufflepuff side vs. my Slytherin side? My Earth vs. my Air? My George vs. my Ringo?

Really, I almost want to blame this on evolution.



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