
Jan 08, 2011 17:06

There ought to be a place to put up abandoned WIPs for adoption. I've been going through my old story folders, and there are so many unfinished stories that I still like the idea of very much, but will never finish...*

Cut for longish list of abandoned WIPs... )

tokyo babylon, eroica, harry potter, weiss kreuz, once a thief, x 1999, x-files, highlander, writing, other fandoms, supernatural, smallville, due south, wip amnesty

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rheasilvia January 8 2011, 23:48:50 UTC
Tja, leider bin ich gerade bei der Geschichte wirklich nicht weit gekommen... obwohl ich den Plot in meinem Kopf schon recht weit entwickelt habe.


Actually - this is all I have... rheasilvia January 8 2011, 23:55:04 UTC
It started as a twinge - almost like an upset stomach, or standing up too quickly after a long session of meditation and not enough food. For a moment, Subaru couldn't place the off-balance feeling, and he had begun to reach out a hand to steady himself against the wall when he realized what this was. A spiritual disturbance... a ripple spreading through the ether of the spiritual world. Sparked by ( ... )


rheasilvia January 8 2011, 23:55:34 UTC
He might never have thought to check the hospitals if not for his long history of cooperating with the police; even so, he almost didn't think of it at all. But a half-dozen phone calls and several favors called in later, he had finally located his quarry ( ... )


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rheasilvia January 9 2011, 12:34:36 UTC
Dir ist klar, dass ich jetzt TB Fanfic lesen muss, um mein VON DIR WIEDERGEWECKTES Verlangen zu stillen?

Na, das hört sich eigentlich nicht so besonders tragisch an. :-)

Ja, ich find auch schade, dass die Geschichte nicht weitergehen wird... *seufz*


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