
Jan 08, 2011 17:06

There ought to be a place to put up abandoned WIPs for adoption. I've been going through my old story folders, and there are so many unfinished stories that I still like the idea of very much, but will never finish...*

  • A Tokyo Babylon / X/1999 crossover with Yami no Matsuei, where Seishirou's soul-eating sakura is destroyed by the Guardians of Death.
  • A Weiss Kreuz Yohji/Schuldig story where Kritiker gains some good information on telepathy and telepaths, concocts a surprisingly cunning plan, and sends an unknowing Yohji into the fray. With partial success: Schuldig is indeed trapped in a bond with Yohji, but Yohji is equally trapped in a bond with Schuldig... this was intended to lead to an "us against the world" kind of situation in the end, but I never got that far. This one even has the perfect title - "Waffenruhe" - and I almost never have good titles this early on!! (11k)
  • A Highlander Duncan/Methos story with a really cool theory on Quickenings, that failed simply because I cannot write Duncan. (6k)
  • A Harry Potter Harry/Snape story where Harry has returned to Hogwarts as professor for History of Magic, and I utterly subvert the prompt "Harry has amnesia - what lies does Severus tell him about their relationship?" (Obviously, Severus tells Harry that Harry is passionately devoted to eliminating the galling misconceptions that govern the modern view of the discipline of Potions in magical history, and has drafted Severus to help him gather information. What else??) (7k)
  • An Eroica story about Klaus' youth. Possibly one of the most unpleasant things (for the characters) I've ever written. (5k)
  • A Due South AU where RayK did not marry Stella and did not become a policeman, but does later team up with Fraser to find the killers of Fraser's father.
  • A Smallville story where Clark is kidnapped by aliens.
  • The beginning of a Supernatural Sam/Dean novella or novel, with our heroes undercover in a gay bar and a bonus of furies. And *also* a cool title. *sigh* (13k)
  • And so many more, including a sequel to the XF story "Partners", a Once a Thief story, another HP story about werewolves, a dark DS story, another XF story, ...

What about you? Are there any interesting abandoned WIPs lurking on your harddrives...?

* Though this really, really does not include the first fanfic story I started writing after discovering the existence of fanfic, and of slash. I really don't like that idea anymore. Look, it was a looooong time ago. Back then, ST:Voyager was a hot fandom, and Paris-torturing an honored tradition. And I wasn't actually *aware* that amnesia stories were such a cliché, okay??? Err. *headdesk*

tokyo babylon, eroica, harry potter, weiss kreuz, once a thief, x 1999, x-files, highlander, writing, other fandoms, supernatural, smallville, due south, wip amnesty

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