Wanted: Betas, punsters and other essentials

Sep 13, 2010 20:43

Yay! I hereby officially declare the first draft of The Epic* finished. I even have a title idea, which - for title-impaired me - is huge! :-) I'll be going through the draft again to edit it, divide it into chapters and add headings (and puns, which are so far unnaturally rare for any story with this much Junno in it). But I hope things will go fairly fast from here on in.

So, err. Anyone up for beta-reading…?

Just a read-through, general feedback and/or impressions of any kind would already be enormously helpful. Of course, in-depth beta-reading would be fantastic, the more nit-pickety the better! But I do realize that's a daunting task, considering the size of this monster. Any help at all would be very much appreciated!

Also: Any punsters out there? Because I could really use some punning assistance! It's a sad spectacle, an author who's horrible at puns writing a notorious punster…

* The Epic = My epically long Junno/Ryo JE slash novel, which started out as a quick short story just to see if those two could realistically be brought together, and somehow grew to mutant Super Monster Gamera-size in the sewers. It now stands proud and tall at just under 216,000 words, not counting the two long-ish epilogues/side stories that don't fit into the epic's timeline, but that I like too much to leave on the cutting-room floor.


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