JE Story Writing List

Sep 09, 2010 19:38

So, I may have several stories on my writing plate. Errr. I don't even know where they all came from! Honestly, leave them alone on a dark harddrive and they multiply like rabbits…

  • The Junno/Ryo epic, which is already considerably above 200k and keeps taunting me by being mostly finished, but then smirks and giggles as it reveals another missing scene.
  • The ikemen café AU rockthecliche wished for, where Junno is even geekier than in RL, and works at a butler café in Akihabara. (I would definitely go there!)
  • The help_pakistan story for krysyuy, who has kindly given me an extension on the deadline.
  • The cracky pirate AU that's mostly gen and entirely unplanned (and too cracky, I fear, to be the help_pakistan story *g*).
  • The HL crossover that I started ages ago and keep writing little bits of in between times. To the point where it's now over 13k. Errr.
  • The cracky hairdresser AU with hats, haircuts, bleached blond locks and campness. And a lovely picture. ;-)

That's a lot of AUs, crossovers and crack. *g*

jpop, writing

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