Title meme!

Feb 08, 2010 23:51

1. Find a title.
Any title, be it hauntingly, lyrically beautiful, irresistably quirky or awe-inspiringly insipid.

2. Share it!
Leave the title in the comments.

3. Let me find the story your title should have.
I'll tell you a little bit about the story that I feel fits your title (which may or may not be the story I would have written for the title in question).

4. If you want, post this in your own LJ.
Find stories for other people's titles!

Title inspiration, if necessary, can be found through:
- quotes (conveniently served in bite-sized pieces all over the internets)
- poetry (by, say, Blake, Swinburne, Keats, Emily Dickinson, Sylvia Plath, or, well, any other poet in the world, ever)
- lyrics (again, by anyone ever)
- the Vagrant Story room list (with such gems as "The Body Fragile Yields", "Those Who Drink The Dark" and "Dust Shall Eat The Days")
- ...

meme, writing

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