Betas wanted!

May 03, 2009 12:02

OMG. Finally, *finally* - after I have shut myself away from the world for days, editing into crazy hours of the morning - the first draft of the story that's been driving me crazy* is finished. To think it started out as a quick and dirty PWP - now it is slightly over 30.000 words long and has plot, despite my best efforts. I'll have to try harder ( Read more... )

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Comments 15

diamondsofsix May 3 2009, 10:05:35 UTC
W00t, sounds really interesting! I've been DYING for some RyoxJunno action *_* and with BDSM on top? Oh yes please.

I also wouldn't mind betaing it for you, since you mainly ask for someone to critique the story as a whole, and that just happens to be my forte. Though, I'm not sure how strict you want your beta to be?

Either way, I am really looking forward to read it ^^


rheasilvia May 3 2009, 11:12:33 UTC
you mainly ask for someone to critique the story as a whole

Yeah, your impressions on the plot and characters and sex and anything else would be hugely helpful - and not just on those things that work, but also on those that don't. I've reached the point where I just can't tell anymore...

If you'd beta it to catch spelling and grammar mistakes and point out weird phrasing and such, that would also be really wonderful! But I don't want to make you feel you have to invest a huge amount of time - I will be very happy with whatever you can tell me.

Though, I'm not sure how strict you want your beta to be?

I *like* strictness. *g* Be honest. Seriously. If something doesn't work, say so. If the whole story sucks, tell me, in as much detail as possible as to why. I can take it, and I want to know. :-)

Thank you very much for volunteering! Sending the story to the hotmail addy I found on your LJ profile - if you want me to use a different addy, just shout. *g*


diamondsofsix May 3 2009, 16:44:29 UTC

I know exactly how it is when you get to the point where you're completely blind to your own story and can't even catch the smallest of mistakes. It's really frustrating and tiring, so I will go through it as thoroughly and nicely as possible!

Constructive criticism is the only way to grow, so I'll do my best in explaining everything I find both positive and negative ^^

Will sit down later tonight, so hopefully you'll have it back tomorrow! Really looking forward to reading it :D


rheasilvia May 3 2009, 21:50:36 UTC
the point where you're completely blind to your own story

YES. When I've finished the first draft of a story, I'm almost always at that point, and it's incredibly important for me to get a fresh perspective on it through other people.

Constructive criticism is the only way to grow

Word! If something in my writing doesn't work the way I want it to, then I need to know about it - and to find out exactly *why* it doesn't work - so I can fix it. No other way to improve. *g*

Which is not to say I can't be nervous. *g*

Really looking forward to reading it



gagulan May 3 2009, 15:29:44 UTC
30 000WORDS! That is amazing!

JunnO & Ryo? I wanna read about them~
So little about them in fanfic now~
Always about the usual pairing~
But NC-17? Hmmmm~

Sorry, can't help you withe the beta~


rheasilvia May 3 2009, 16:11:45 UTC
I'm still working out how to actually write *short* short stories - my first attempt in this fandom is currently at, oh, 120.000 words, and counting. I need help...

And there definitely isn't enough Junno/Ryo! Though, hey, I'm doing my part. *g*

(Yep, most definitely NC-17... possibly the most NC-17 thing I've ever written. May not be your cup of tea, if that isn't your preference!)


gagulan May 4 2009, 04:55:49 UTC
Hope more ppl will write JunnOxRyo fanfic~ ^^

If the fic involve sex, is not my cup of tea~

however, Good luck with ur fanfic~
Short or long, you will do an awesome fanfic~


rockthecliche May 3 2009, 20:36:05 UTC
omfg, if you still need someone to do it, i will. though, my specialty is pointing out where things may feel awkward. idk if you're up for that? D:

but holy shit, this sounds so EPIC.


rheasilvia May 3 2009, 21:27:50 UTC
I'm up for anything! :-)

Seriously, whatever you can tell me will help - warnings of awkwardness are very welcome indeed. As is anything else you feel I should know about your thoughts when reading... what works and what doesn't in terms of plot, characters, the sex... anything. *g*

Thank you very much for volunteering. :-) I'll send the story to your LJ email addy, unless you'd like me to send it elsewhere!


rekkoi May 4 2009, 00:03:05 UTC
I can help you out if you like. I'm no good at writing or anything though. D:


rheasilvia May 4 2009, 21:47:31 UTC
That would be great! And you don't have to be good at writing for this. *g* It will be enormously helpful to just hear your honest opinion on the story (plot, characters, sex scenes, whatever you feel you want to comment on). At this point I just want to get an idea of how the story works for readers...

Thank you very much for volunteering! :-)

(Am sending the file to your LJ addy - just shout if you want me to send it somewhere else!)


nikouru May 4 2009, 03:44:34 UTC
Looks like I'm a little late for the betaing but that sound way too awesome! I so wanna read!


rheasilvia May 4 2009, 21:50:22 UTC
You're not late at all, if you do want to beta - I'd be glad to send it to you! But never fear, you don't have to. :-) It really is a rather long story (though I swear, when I started writing it was just going to be a short smutty snippet. I fail at PWPs).

I hope to get the story into the kind of shape where I won't be afraid to post it fairly soon!

Love your icon. Very fitting. :-)


nikouru May 4 2009, 22:54:33 UTC
I would love to beta it! :D


rheasilvia May 4 2009, 23:06:12 UTC
Yay, great! :-) Then I will send immediately (to the hotmail addy you list on your LJ contact page) - thank you very much for volunteering.


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