Meh. Can't bring myself to watch Game of Thrones S5.

Apr 14, 2015 18:07

I'm so unenthusiastic about Game of Thrones. I haven't watched the season opener yet, and I'm not really motivated to. None of the characters interest me right now.

I mean:

Jaime's redemption arc was shaping up nicely and making him into an interesting character - and then he goes and rapes his lover / sister. From now on, any "redemption" he gains will mean squat. And as an extra uncharming detail, the series refuses to acknowledge that having sex with a woman who is shouting "no" and trying to fend the guy off is rape. This really does not help me overcome the repulsion I now feel for this character. Really, really not.

Tyrion's interest for me has basically ended the instant he killed Shae. I didn't actually care about Shae - either as a character or a person - but Tyrion did, and he was so damn stupid about the entire Shae testifying and then turning up in his father's bed thing that I basically never want to see his face again. Tyrion is many things, but he should not be dumb as bricks.

Danaerys is now bereft of Sir Jorah and will inevitably steer into some catastrophe, especially if she listens to that incredibly untrustworthy, slimy creepster she's taken up with. (The new actor is marginally less slimy, but still.) Plus I assume the dragons will cause further horrors and increasingly become a liability rather than an asset. I don't actually want to see any of that.

OMG. I will have to see Theon again if I watch this. Do Not Want. Why isn't there a way for me to open a portal into fictional Westeros and push this dude off a cliff.

Also, Boring Mystical Stark, and More Boring Littlest Stark, and Boring Dumbface Snow.

Plus there'll be lots of gratuitous boobs and rape (of women) and background sex (focussed on naked women), with nothing in the way of male nudity to balance it. At this point, this is likely to annoy me immensely, because so much else about the series is likely to annoy me immensely.

By contrast, the reasons why I would want to watch this are...

Sansa? But she'll probably be messed up in short order. Margaery Tyrell, definitely, but I expect she'll die soon. Arya? I'm not actually very interested in her adventures in Bravos, the Land of Mystical Fighting Skills.

Brienne would interest me, but not if she appears in conjunction with Jaime, as seems likely. Same goes for Yara Greyjoy, who I really like, but who is probably not going to show up unless there is also Theon (gag me with a spoon).

Who else is there...? Oh right, Varys. Yeah, I'm sure he'll die soon.

Still... even so, don't spoil me, please.

game of thrones

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