Ebooks-Tree is Stealing Stories

Apr 14, 2015 14:09

If you have fics posted on AO3 or Wattpad, they may have been stolen. A company called ebooks-tree.com is pulling fics from both sites and posting them on their own site. This is completely illegal.

I just found three of my stories on there.

Search for your author name to check if they have anything of yours. If they do, you have the right to make them take your stories down.

Ebooks-tree appears to have bots pulling fics from AO3 so they can post them for download as ebooks.There seems to be no method to which fics they pull; among the stories they stole from me are one of my most popular and one of my most obscure works, and they are in both very popular (X-Men, Supernatural) and almost entirely obscure (Utena) fandoms.

The AO3 has advice on how to get your work removed here. (I don't have the means to provide an e-signature, so I ignored that bit.)

Read their DCMA policy for extra rage: they try intimidation tactics (you probably have no right to complain even if you think you do, and we will sue you!!) and attempt to set the bar for a copyright infringement complaint so high that nobody will do it at all.

I'm going to submit a complaint to the company who hosts the Ebooks-Tree site now...

story theft, signal boost

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