Person of Interest S3E23: Deus Ex Machina

May 15, 2014 21:53

On the one hand, interesting.

I do salute the show for taking a risk by basically tossing the entire set-up of the previous seasons out the window. And I have grown fond of the Decima CEO as an antagonist; I love that he sets out to create his new god because he finds the human race defective, and that he is actually intelligent, ruthless and forward-planning enough to carry it off. (I also appreciate that he intentionally and intelligently misquotes Shakespeare. Good for you, Mr Elegant Sociopath.)

Also, the last scene was lovely. Person of Interest has now taken the last step into ideal crossover territory with Battlestar Galactica (or even Terminator, though BSG works better in terms of atmosphere, IMO).

On the other hand, I do not actually trust the show to find a new format that works as well as the old one.

The episodic "save a number a week" format seems to be a thing of the past, but I very much hope that the show plans to substitute something similar - that is, something that allows for short, more or less self-contained plots each episode. The overarching "fight Decima and Samaritan" and/or the "on the run" plots aren't going to be able to carry the show on their own, IMO. PoI's charm has always been in the little moments, the character development, the interactions. There needs to be enough space for that in the show's new format, and I fear that it is not going to be a priority.

However, until the new season starts, one thing is canon in my mind:

Finch and Reese are undercover as a gay couple (with a cute dog). Come on, did you see them? Of course they are.

episode commentary, person of interest

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