GoT 4x03 - Breaker of Chains

Apr 21, 2014 22:50

On Jaime:

Well. That was unexpected. I have stopped shipping Jaime and Brienne now. Can we please put Jaime in the Critically Endangered category, show?

The truly unpleasant thing about this scene is that I'm not sure the viewer was meant to lose all sympathy for Jaime. I'm not happy about where this takes the character, but I am even less happy about the danger of the narrative mishandling this; I could easily end up not disgusted at the character Jaime, but rather disgusted at the show itself. And that would be unfortunate.

I guess we'll be able to tell by the way Jaime's redemption plot continues after this.

On Margaery:

Also unexpected. I fully expected her to be party to the poisoning of Joffrey. Maybe she wanted to wait until later to kill him? She could hardly have wanted to stay married to him for any length of time; she knew perfectly well he'd turn on her sooner rather than later.

On Granny Tyrell and Tywin Lannister:

My new theory is that Granny Tyrell and Tywin Lannister conspired to poison Joffrey*. They both benefit: Tywin gets a biddable king who will do as Tywin says, and Granny gets a very powerful position at court for the Tyrells, possibly a Queen Regent (if she can push that through), and safety for her granddaughter. No doubt Tywin insisted on killing Joffrey before the marriage could be consummated, and perhaps Tywin had an active hand in framing Tyrion, as well.

I do still think Tywin is at extreme risk of buying the family farm soon, though.

* I had to edit this name because I'd initially typed "Jaime". Freudian typo.

On Sansa and Lord Baelish:

Great, Sansa is once again the damsel in distress requiring rescue. Color me surprised. Not. Are we ever going to get a different plot line for her, perhaps one where she has some agency?

I so hope Sansa stabs Baelish and shoves him overboard to drown. I also hope she doesn't spend five eps being the helpless little mouse to his cat before that. Shove a rat down his pants and trip him into the flooded hold, girl! Strangle him with a garter! Do anything, anything except be passive and shocky and scared and eventually get rescued. PLEASE. Do something.

(Also, is it me or did Baelish basically confirm that he was involved in the poisoning plot? It seems to me like there was no way he could have had everything set up to spirit Sansa away otherwise, and be so well-informed about what happened, too.)

What did you guys think?

I have not read the books and remain entirely unspoiled. So, no spoilers in the comments, please!

game of thrones, episode commentary

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