Grimm 2x15: Mr. Sandman

Mar 23, 2013 20:08

Okay, the Wesen of the Week was really disgusting. I'm actually kind of impressed. Also pretty grossed out. But more importantly:

Nick is getting his Grimm on! So much yes! Next they have to blindfold him and stuff something in his ears and he'll be able to smell his way through a fight. Very cool, and methinks he's going to need those mad grimming skillz sooner rather than later.

Also, for a moment there I was getting excited because I thought Juliette was turning into a Hexenbiest (which would be the most interesting thing to ever happen with or to Juliette, ever). The plot potential would be enormous, and it would just be brilliant all around. A Grimm in love with a Hexenbiest? Juliette discovering her new powers in fits and starts? Renard inadvertently associating with one more Hexenbiest?

Of course, it still remains a possibility. But that last glimpse Juliette caught of Nick makes me think it's something far less interesting, like her just getting her memories back. Even so, who knows? This show has consistently surprised me by being better than I expected it to be. Maybe it will continue in this vein!

grimm, episode commentary

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