On Person of Interest Fanfic

Mar 21, 2013 19:42

Once I had determined that Person of Interest shows a very interesting relationship, and had watched all the eps there were to watch, I went looking for fanfic. This is my normal modus operandi.

About slash fanfic, or the comparative scarcity thereof.

For some reason, I'd formed an impression of the POI fandom as fairly large and active. I don't know what exactly gave me this impression, because I hadn't had any contact with the fandom at all. Perhaps it was that several people on my friendslist regularly post about POI.

Anyway: I was surprised to find that the number of Reese/Finch slash stories fell far short of my expectations. Particularly longer stories seem to be in very short supply (if you'll pardon the pun).

I have yet to form a good theory on the reason(s) for this dismaying POI Slash Drought. Is the fandom simply less popular than I assumed? Are writers deterred because one of the protagonists is not classically handsome? Or is it something else entirely…?

About "undercover as a gay couple" fics.

Specifically: How come this fandom isn't full of "undercover as a gay couple" fics?

Since I first wrote this, one such story was actually posted. This is most definitely a step in the right direction! Carry on, please! :-) However, given how perfectly suited the fandom is for this particular cliché, I had expected a veritable flood of stories.

For example, canon practically cries out for a Reese/Finch story where their pursuit of a number takes them into a gay resort or gated community, or on a gay cruise, or some such. Most people automatically assume that the obviously filthy rich Finch is Reese's sugar daddy. Some are envious and/or incredulous - how did Finch manage to secure such a fine specimen of arm candy?! Others are contemptuous of one or both of them (because Reese would sell himself like that, and because Finch would buy someone and consider it something to be proud of).

Someone hits on Reese, and Finch doesn't react much at all, projecting cool confidence and the absolute conviction that Reese has no interest whatsoever in anyone else. And someone hits on Finch, and hey presto, the millionaire's indolent boytoy is suddenly all looming dead-eyed whispery menace, scaring the crap out of the hapless would-be interloper.

And one very smart person really gets it, and sees that Reese is not a boytoy at all, and Finch is not a sugar daddy. This person at some point confides in Reese that they're a little envious of Reese - for having found someone he's obviously so crazy about, and who is so crazy about him, and who complements him so perfectly.

Don't you think fandom needs a story like that? Not that I've thought about it or anything.

About all those other missing fics.

Undercover in a gay bar. (Totally distinct from "undercover as a gay couple"! No, really. Ahem.) Amnesia. Bodyswap. Fuck or die. Soulbonds. Telepathy. Everyone thinks they're doing it. One of them's a hooker. One of them is undercover as a hooker in a gay bar while having amnesia and stuck in the wrong body (get your mind out of the gutter, you know what I meant).

Needless to say, there need to be way more of the non-cliché kind of slash stories in this fandom, too. There need to be more POI slash stories of every kind, period.

Where are all the stories? Where??

I have found some truly excellent POI slash stories, mind you. Their number is just depressingly small.

person of interest

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