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rheasilvia March 12 2013, 23:30:29 UTC
a narrative of the Wesen fleeing the Old World to come to North America where they could more or less live as they pleased

Yes, I definitely see that aspect in there too. I don't like it, though - the usual dusty old (and blatantly false) narrative clichés about Crumbling Decadent Old Europe Hopelessly Stuck in the Decaying Ruins of a Long-Gone Past, as opposed to the Fresh Dynamic Vigorous New World with New Ideas and Modern Outlook, tend to put my hackles up. So I try to ignore this dichotomy as much as possible. :-)

When it comes down to it, Nick Burkhardt is from the Sam Vimes school of policing; it doesn't matter what he was born as, because now he's copper through and through.

Hmm. I do think it matters what he was born as, though, because I think Nick is a natural policeman expressly *because* he is a Grimm. My theory is that Grimms used to be - and are meant to be - the policemen of the Wesen world. But something went wrong along the way, and they became brutal bullies and enforcers in the service of the Royals.

Because he was raised without any outside influences telling him how to relate to Wesen (basically, that the only good Wesen is a dead Wesen), Nick reacts purely instinctively, in the way that (so I theorize) Grimms act by nature - as peacekeepers, and the natural police force of the Wesen world.

He really couldn't become anything but a policeman. It's in his Grimm nature to keep the peace, protect the weak, and hunt down those who would prey on innocents. :-)

The theory in my family is that the Royals are the last of the Merovingians

LOL! How come? If weirdness in rulers is the deciding factor here, the Merovingians have a lot of competition...

Hey, at this point anything is possible. :-) I've always assumed the Royals never had anything to do with any human rulers, but who knows.

I just want to know what Grimms look like to the Wesen.

Yes! I don't know if there's some kind of Grimm face analogous to the Wesen face, but *something* tips off some of the Wesen, some of the time. I want to know what it is!!!


twelve_pastels March 13 2013, 19:29:58 UTC
Crumbling Decadent Old Europe Hopelessly Stuck in the Decaying Ruins of a Long-Gone Past, as opposed to the Fresh Dynamic Vigorous New World with New Ideas and Modern Outlook

This is basically how the Americas deal with the fact that 1) they were originally founded as a business venture, and 2) they have a major inferiority complex in the face of what they perceive as an already established, dominant, and respected culture as compared to what they've managed to cobble together.

My theory is that Grimms used to be - and are meant to be - the policemen of the Wesen world. But something went wrong along the way, and they became brutal bullies and enforcers in the service of the Royals.



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