Sarah Connor Chronicles: The Finale

Feb 22, 2013 23:36

Just finished watching the last episode of The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and I have two extremely spoilery things to say.

The first thing I have to say is about the epic romance of John and Cameron. Because - how perfect is this?

John doesn't love Cameron because she is like Alison. John loves Alison because she is like Cameron. And the reason Alison is like Cameron is that Cameron was created in Alison's image, because John loved Alison.

Recursive romance! I cannot express how much I love this. This is so much more than I had even imagined was possible for John and Cameron.

In a nutshell: Boy meets robot. Robot exhibits erratic behavior and alternately tries to protect and kill boy, tells boy she loves him, makes sure boy has way to kill her because she might revert to trying to kill him, tells boy that deep down she will always want to kill him, and has him cut her chest open in order to feel the reactor core underneath her chest plate (it is cold, which is good). Boy loves robot. Robot loves boy, to the confusion of all involved, especially robot. Boy loses robot. Boy is frantic to retrieve robot.

Boy meets girl who is template for robot. Boy loves girl. Girl loves boy. Robot is created in image of girl. Robot kills girl. Robot hunts down boy. Boy alters robot's programming. Boy loves robot. Robot loves boy. Boy sends robot back in time to meet boy. Return to beginning.

Ah, the romance!

Secondly, about the ending.

My initial reaction to the series ending where it did was to mourn for the unexplored plot and relationship potential. What I wouldn't give for the series to have had one more season, argh.

But then I realized that this is actually the perfect ending. Everything has come back around to the beginning, and everything has been set in motion. All of the players are in the game at the positions where they need to be in order to start the plot that we know already. So, there actually *is* closure, of a kind.

It would have been wonderful to see more of these characters and have more of the details unfold, of course. For example, the roles and motivations of the liquid terminator and John Henry are left entirely open, and I found both of them to be fascinating characters. But really, this was a good way for the series to end. I'm relieved! It could have been so much worse.

If anyone has fanfic recs, please share them with me?

sarah connor chronicles, episode commentary

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