Nov 04, 2004 21:41
Mi Ze Hidlik
Mi ze hidlik, neirot, dakim,
ka kochavim barom?
Yodim gam tinokot rakim,
ki Chanuka hayom.
La la la...
Kol neir aliz,
kol neir chaviv doleik,
romeiz, notseits.
Hatinokot omdim saviv vela simcha ein keits.
La la la...
(repeats whole song)
La la la... Chanuka hayom.
Once you hear the words pronounced correctly and it's set to music... it's really really pretty. you should all come to my choir concert to hear it! ;) well, getting tired, just thought I'd post quick. Btw to my friends who will/might get this: I'm happier now... we talked. well, night all.