Feb 28, 2008 02:04
I had forgotten that I don't like Februarys. I hate them. Forum, I realize now, was a temporary haven for me, a little safe place to hide from the world. It was kind of like being asleep and having a wonderful dream. To continue with my terrible analogy, the alarm clock went off weeks ago, and I put it on snooze and I keep getting back into bed when I have really important things to do before the sun goes down. When does the sun go down in this analogy? I don't know. I want to go back to Wintersession. I was to stay asleep.
Anyway, Forum had made me forget about my little anti-February kick that happens every year. February is the worst month. Yes, it's almost over and I'm only just remembering the fact, which is nice, but I'm miserable, and Joyce is miserable, and Emily is miserable, and everyone is sick (everyone is always sick) and I literally don't have a single moment. I never get to sleep as much as I want to. And this time it's actually becoming a problem. Usually I don't sleep because I don't really need it, and I'm always kind of running on a self-induced crack cocaine kick that is always pretty entertaining to me. This time, though... I need sleep and I'm not getting it. I need a day to re-cooperate and I'm not getting it, and I don't think I will. I still haven't taken my well-deserved break after the show ended. And I still don't have the director's book. I would really nice to read the nice stuff people wrote.
Also... I miss the thing the two of us almost had.