Dec 26, 2010 17:55
So, Christmas Eve was insane. We stopped at Anna's Mother in Law's, gave her nephew his present. We stopped at my dad's mothers, and had Christmas with them. We acquired a collection of gift cards, some cash, and a lovely scarf and gloves set. Also an antique hard wood tea cask. My grandmother says it's antique anyway, and I'm sure it is since she bought and sold antiques all through the 80's and 90's. However, I can find nothing on it, or online that will tell me exactly how old it is, and where it came from. She thinks it was made in New England, but that's not so specific.
Then to Doug's mom's, and I helped her make potato salad. And then to Mom's where we spent the night, just like all Christmases. But we got there around 11:30 and didn't get to sleep until nearly 1.
Total haul at mom's as follows.
Movies: Streets of Laredo, Rough Riders, MASH 9 and 10.
Books: The Ordinary Princess, Far Pavilion 1 and 2, Habitation of the Blessed, Under in the Mere, and gift cards to Books A Million too numerous to mention.
Clothes: Red Sweater, dress boots, three pairs of dress socks, t-shirt that says "I'm an English Major. You do the math."
Plus Scribblenauts and Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney for my DS, and assorted toiletries.
In the meantime, we nearly got snowed in. I really like the area I live in, we almost never get good snow. When we do, we get an inch, or and inch and a half, and we lose a couple hours of school. Or we go really slowly to work.
This winter, we missed a whole week of school to snow, and we've gotten snowed in for days at a time, unable to leave due to the icy condition of our driveway. We were going to go see a movie today, when we looked out and saw that despite last nights snow, we had clear roads. By the time we cleaned up and left, it was snowing again and the road was white.