Dec 27, 2009 23:58
On the morning of the 26th my family and i (Cioux, Mom, Dad and me) started out our long journey to the land in the north: Prince George. It was all going ok. Behind schedule as normal. The journey started with some Journey as done by Glee (Yes that's right people (Matt) we were listening to my Glee CD's on the way up.) so to say the least i was quite contented. Anyways, we were going going, listening to CD's not doing anything particularly awesome. Stopping. Going. Frozen Waterfalls. You know. The norm. Then after passing Quesnel (and stopping for Timmy's), we get about 10 min north and then a hill is awesome and decides to be icy. With this luck and my mothers sometimes ... quick? driving the following happened. My mom tapped the brakes on an icy hill. She lost control of the car and we took a ... tumble into a snow bank, flipped and then flipped again to be right side up. I heard my mother's "Oh no" as she began to lose control and looked up to see the road moving in ways i know should not be moved when supposed to be driving straight. I heard the distinctive crunch of snow on the roof of the car as my dog fell into me and my blankets and my mint tea spilled all over me. The next thing i know we are on the side of the road, the roof bent inwards and the windshield is smashed and caving in. Everyone's fine i soon learn (Cioux too). We sit for a bit, my mothers hand bleeding a bit from a few scratches from the glass. At this point my father hands me his phone and i phone my sister up in prince george to let her know what has occurred. I don't know how long after, probably not that long, but people have stopped on the side of the road to come and see how we are doing and to help us out. The car(s) that stopped happened to include a medical student and a police officer, warm blankets and people who wouldn't mind holding cioux. anyways. We sat in there cars after they helped us out of the car and waited for the ambulance/police to arrive. Yea. so the po po arrived after the ambulance. Cioux got arrested, my parents got all bandaged up temporarily. Ok cioux didn't get arrested but she did have to ride in the cop car to get to the hospital cause she couldn't come in the sterile ambulance. Anyways. Once the people who helped had left(and left their blanket i might add) i made many hops from trunk of car/back of car to ambulance transporting important items (such as clothing and dog food) you know. stuff we need for that night. After that i sat in the front of the ambulance as we rode back to Quesnel to get to the hospital. More great joy where we spent.. oh i dunno... probably around 2 or 3 hours. I was just sitting in the waiting room because i was fine (except for my nose but really, it wasn't even bleeding, not even when i blew my nose) and my parents were getting examined. The hospital in quesnel was... super empty save for us.. and all our stuff, and my strewn books because they were snow covered and i didn't want them to crinkle!Anyways. my sister's hubby and father were on their way to pick us up (which is a 2 hour drive from PG) so we all just waited in the waiting room. Cioux was brought back at some point in there. And the hospital staff graciously brought us some bowls so we could give her food and water. not much else eventful happened. I was in the back of the van on the way back to prince george after finally being picked up from the hospital. And i just really wanted to (kind of still do) go home. We went down that same hill where we toppled (good word) and i must say i was feeling rather stressed out the entire way. And the entire way home really. i started to nod off because at this point i think it was like.. 11pm? i dunno. but i didn't want to fall asleep, but i did, but then again i didn't because i wanted to be alert and all.. "in the proper upright position" for safety reasons and such. Anyways. I listened to music until my mp3 died. And then we got home eventually. .. And that. that eventfulness was my journey to prince george. Talk about giving a crappy end to christmas eh? (And through all this i had a cold.. yes i know!) We're all fine too. so. yea. The worst part is now mother is all "ooh nuuu, we just got that car fixed. I'm so sorry. If, If, IF" (The car thing is true.. and .. boarderline funny but i won't tell her that) Anyways the worst part is that people just won't shut up about it. It's in the past, forget it, it was an accident, what if's don't help anything and they don't make anyone feel better. OH! mom's hand. remember the bleeding. Well, there was also a bubble that looked like a giant sist (sp?) on her hand. She had popped a vein in her hand and the blood was pooling. gross, but cool. One of the people who came to attend was like "Was she missing that finger before?" (Cause mother IS missing a finger on her hand) so that was kinda funny. Anyways. yes. horrible indeed. but we're all alive..
parents. car accident,
prince george