Jul 25, 2009 22:38
Salen here, from the wide world of Megaplex. Things have been sort of busy today. Lots of stuff was going on, and maybe a bit of noise complaints from the nearby panel room because of Rock Band, but otherwise this day just flew by.
I got a few new conbadges, got some artwork for myself as well as for Snowdrift. Snow will probably be in Cali at some point near the end of the month but I could be wrong. Either way, I've got some artage for him. And he'll have his first official conbadge as well.
Let's see, other than that, I've got ANOTHER conbadge for Snowdrift lined up too. Likeshine from FA is here, and her conbadges are SHINY! They actually have glitter in them. So he'll have a super awesome conbadge as well. So two conbadges for Snow.
Not much else to report though. Got some Salen artwork and I'm sure Wynther will want to see my new Conbadgey. Its got LXF goodness.
But yeah, things are good here. Sorry I haven't checked in with folks while I'm here, but the 'net is pretty slow, so it's been sort of hard to even try. But when I get home Monday, I'm sure I'll talk up a storm.