Denial, Chapter Three: The Four Stages

Apr 24, 2009 14:08

Title: Denial, Chapter Three: The Four Stages
Author: darkentwisted
Characters/Pairings:  Robin/Marian, Carter/Much, Allan/Guy, Allan/Will, Djaq/Robin 
Rating: PG (Adult concepts)
Genre:  Slash
Words: 3039
Disclaimer: All chracters copyright, BBC, BBC America, Tiger Aspect Media
Notes: This continues the 'Round-Robin' fic. 'Denial'
Summary: Life goes on as the gang learns to cope without someone they never really thought they would miss.  Much has regrets about his decision to go with Carter back to war.
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Previous Chapters:  1,  2,

(The story continues under the cut. )

roundrobin2009, denial (fic), robin hood, carter, much

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