[NEWS] Some Monday links

Jun 27, 2016 15:23

  • Bloomberg notes that Brexit could give Scotland a chance to take some of London's finance industry, looks at the Canadian-born governor of the Bank of England, looks at a quiet crisis in the Russian economy re: investment, and notes the awkwardness of the British diaspora in the European Union.
  • Bloomberg View notes the United Kingdom's upcoming challenges with India.
  • The CBC notes that Iceland has gotten a Canadian-born first lady and looks at the new Panama Canal expansion.
  • Daily Xtra quotes the Canadian prime minister as arguing Canada must make amends for past wrongs to LGBT people.
  • MacLean's looks at the indecisive results of the latest Spanish election.
  • The National Post notes that Scotland is already preparing for a second vote.
  • Open Democracy looks at the strange new dynamics in Northern Ireland, where Unionists are applying for Irish passports.
  • Universe Today examines experiments in agriculture using simulated Martian soil, and looks at a star set to rotate around the Milky Way Galaxy's central black hole at 2.5% of the speed of light.

elections, commonwealth, scotland, globalization, space science, separatism, united kingdom, canada, london, links, northern ireland, iceland, economics, astronomy, european union, mars, panama, india, agriculture, politics, spain, borders, glbt issues, migration, russia, ireland

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