Jun 27, 2016 15:15
- The Broadside Blog's Caitlin Kelly reports from Washington D.C.
- The Dragon's Gaze links to a paper looking at the stellar wind of Tau Böotis and the impact of Tau Böotis b on this.
- Language Log considers the exact grammatical role played by Brexit.
- Language Hat links to a report on a museum of language in Paris.
- The Map Room Blog notes that the website Atlas Obscura is set to produce a book.
- Marginal Revolution notes the paradox of a Cornwall dependent on EU funds voting against the European Union.
- Steve Munro looks at the problems of fare integration in regional transit.
- The Planetary Society Blog shares multimedia highlights of the launch of China's new Long March 7 rocket.
- Peter Rukavina looks at a new road shortcut in suburban Charlottetown.
- Window on Eurasia looks at institutional chaos in the Moscow area and suggest Cossack mobilization risks a North Caucasian countermobilization.