[BLOG] Some Tuesday links

Apr 01, 2014 19:00

  • At the blog Buffer, Kevan Lee shows what lengths--in characters and in words--tweets and blog headlines and blog posts should be, according to science.
  • Patrick Cain notes that Canadians have no way of knowing how many banned guns there were under the former registry since its junking.
  • The Dragon's Gaze links to a paper examining what, exactly, is needed for a planet to become Earth-like.
  • The Dragon's Tales, meanwhile, links to a paper claiming that the Cambrian explosion of biodiversity was a product of a nearby gamma-ray burst.
  • Geocurrents explores the question of whether and how it matters to call the eastern European country "Ukraine" or "the Ukraine".
  • Joe. My. God. links to a site gathering the first and last lines from noted gay novels.
  • At Lawyers, Guns and Money, bloggers question whether the American soldiers who perpetrated genocide in the Wounded Knee massacre of 1890 should have their Medals of Honor stripped from them, and have no truck with the idea that American airpower can save Ukraine.
  • John Moyer responded to OKCupid's boycotting of Mozilla for its anti-gay president by quitting Mozilla, and explains why.
  • At the Planetary Society Weblog, Emily Lakdawalla examines the latest thinking on Titan's methane lakes and oceans. Where do they come from?
  • pollotenchegg maps the distribution of Hungarians in former Hungarian territories in central Europe.
  • Strange Maps examines how maps are used to lie in George Orwell's 1984.
  • Torontoist shares a picture of a vintage streetcar on the streets of east Toronto's Scarborough.
  • The Volokh Conspiracy comments on the International Court of Justice's ruling against Japan on the subject of its supposed scientific whaling program, and argues that a federal system for Ukraine might not be bad notwithstanding Russian bullying.
  • Window on Eurasia notes that Russia's military depends heavily on the technological and industrial output of southeastern Ukraine, relying on now-suspended cooperation.

maps, first nations, earth, facebook, blogging, diasporas, ukraine, extraterrestrial life, hungary, links, popular literature, astronomy, titan, saturn, crime, cetaceans, evolution, social networking, george orwell, japan, ethnic cleansing, animal rights, space science, united states, oceans, streetcars, canada, toronto, former soviet union, military, twitter, history, glbt issues, russia, blogs, central europe

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