I feel bad for having neglected my blog for a while, so here, in a pathetic attempt to garner your forgiveness, is the cover to Pale Blue Dot part 1. I'm trying to get the story put on Top Shelf 2.0, so it won't be on my website any time soon. I also have a new print that I need to scan and throw on here. And finally, I'm working on a short story for The Good Minnesotan #4, an annual comix anthology by my good friends the Hogans. So, you can expect part 2 of PBD sometime next January or February, depending on the breaks.
So what else is new? I dunno... not much I guess. Fallcon was a lot of fun. One of my target co-workers was there with his dad, I bought a sweet-ass book by Sam Hiti (he hand-draws the cover when you buy the book), and best of all I sold about $200 worth of stuff. I actually made a profit (gasp!).
In other news, I saw They Might Be Giants perform live for the seventh time at First Ave. Great show. They had a puppet show in the middle of the concert, they played the entire flood album, and they regaled us in the terror of the first time they had ever played at First Ave (at seventh st entry), where the audience was at eye-level with them, and how the show felt like a prolonged staring contest.
P.S.: I'll give a free copy of Pale Blue Dot part 1 to the first person who can guess what the shape in the "O" of DOT on the cover represents.