What a weird week.

Aug 22, 2008 18:39

The week started off with a bang - serina russo appontment at 9, of which my consultant couldn't even make - Pointless
Then it was off to work the night shift at coles - nice people, we finished early but I had this mysterious period-like pain that only being bent helped.

Tuesday came around, tuesday went, all we did at work was clean for the head office's appearance wednesday. And clean, and clean.

Wednesday was when it got interesting, at least from my POV now. I had an appointment with terry, a sarina russo mentor (not my consult) at midday, so running about 5 minutes late after walking from the geekhouse to garbo shitty, I got to the shops in great distress - I was pale, and sweaty and shaking and hurting in an area I never do.
That was when I collapsed in pain on the groud with security guards coaching me on breathing and pain management while we waited for the ambos.
1 hour later, the ambos still hadn't come, so I got wheeled through westfield whimpering and crying, to the local med centre where I stayed in varying degrees of agony till 2 hrs later the ambos came.

(Note: this was my first trip ever in one and my paramedic, Vanessa was brilliant)

Got to hospital, had anti-spazmodic drugs, anti-nausea drugs,saline drip, blood tests and urine tests (all on a day where I hadn't eaten a thing), almost had the nurse let a 10 centimeter amount of air through the drip into my arm. All these tests turned up that I had a UTI, AGAIN. But, I thought, that can't be the cause as I live almost monthly with uti's (urinary tract infection), what else could it be.

7:30pm I was released from hospital still in minor pain, and famished (no food or dink the entire day), but much better but with no idea, so I bugged (or at least my dad) the doctor to allow me an ultrasound the next day.
So here I was worrying all night, then I went in at 11pm, having tried to drink one and a half liters of water in 1 hour, where the external ultrasound showed up a cyst on my ovary (pleasent...) and the guy decided to do an internal test (oh my was that a weird feeling), to which he said my doctor will tell me the results of...

So here I am today - still in low (compared to yesterday) level pain (it feels like a bad stitch) and worried about the results.

Today I also got a message from my mum telling me that my aunty (who is quite close to me) who has been sick for a few months has just had organ failure and won't last more than 6 weeks.
2 hours later, I got another message "Aunt Marrylin is worried about whats up with 'little Chris' and that she won't last the week."

That was shit news.


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