Aug 09, 2008 02:19
The things I learnt from spending 4 hours watching the prettiest but most boring opening ceremony I've ever seen.
- Sarah brightman was at the Olympics!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Through out the ceremony, they had a child doing a Nikki Webster routine - Singing then flying on a high wire across the stadium
_ The commentators I swear are art critics.
- The coolest dance was a blend of modern and ancient, which the commentators called, to my laughter, "The Search For The Lost Contact Lens"
- Paper, compass and movable type were created by the Chinese
- Never to watch Peeking Puppets, if the "reader's digest" version is any example
- Aussie WH&S would've had a hissy fit - 27ft towers with people playing instruments on them with so safety apparatus.
- The music throughout the ceremony was beautiful, and the piano playing was superb.
- Can I have one of the 'star man' costumes
- The dove of peace at a Chinese games huh, who would've thunk?
- I could use a lot of the music throughout the ceremony on a cd as a tranquil soundtrack to cure insomnia
- The Chinese Kids while painting were chanting about being worried about ' Global warming" and how it's affecting their children.
Well go figure!
-This Olympics is being touted as the "Green Games"
- Finally after waiting for the entire ceremony just before the athletes, all 204 countries of them (there was 205 earlier this year) I got to hear what I had been waiting for - Sarah Brightman's duet with a superb Chinese male singer, singing the Beijing Olympics Theme song. Two absolutely superb voices that just matched so well, and also Sarah's second Olympic appearance - the only singer to do so.
The next two hours was wasted on watching the athletes appear, wearing all weird costumes, with the first ever gulf female flag bearer appearing (Princess what-ever) but boy was she hot.
America got a huge roar, Russia got an even bigger one, Australia came third last, due to something to do with the Chinese alphabet and the Chinese contingent was huge.
Finally one more Sarah brightman song - 'the performance of the sky' before the flame is lit.
It seriously looked as though the gas flame went out a few times on the last bearer's journey into the sky before he lit the beautiful cauldron..... green games indeed.