Sketch of the... unh...

Jan 25, 2010 16:02

Trying to keep up with here, but obviously I fell down on the sketch a day postings. I haven't been sketching as much as I meant to, but that doesn't mean I haven't been drawing at all. Life's just been busy. The router is a dream come true though, now that it's up and running. How did we live so long with only one comp online? Froggy got spayed last week, they told us to let her take it easy a few days, and by the next day she was trying to get us to play fetch and jumping on Squeaks and trying to climb things. I'm not sure she even realizes by now that anything happened, cat memory is short and she's sure not paying any attention to the stitches.

Under the cut below is the commission for mephron which I intended to spend today inking. I started that last night and got most of the background done, but then I spent the first half of today in bed with a terrible headache, and I've spent the afternoon catching up on stuff on DA and whatnot. My head's still feeling pretty funky. It's this damn allergy, and I know what it's an allergy to, and I just don't know what to do about it. It's not fair to complain, but it's not really fair either that I have to spend most of the next day recovering when I spend any significant amount of time with the in-laws... I seem to be okay going over there for dinner, but last night I ended up watching an episode of Bones in the back room with Bridgie's mother, and that was just asking for trouble I guess. I like her, I just can't take the smoke.

Anyways, a couple of sketches...

Mephorn's commission, the final sketch stage.

My deer on The Endless Forest grew up! Sketches done to celebrate his stag day. I'm experimenting with some digital painting over some of these, will post if/when they're done.

That's all I've got for now. That and a poke with a stick to people who haven't done the meme I tagged for...


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