Saw this on some cool kids LJ....

Jan 19, 2010 12:27

Here's an RP meme which I want all my friends to do so we can be cool kids too.

Where and when did you start rping?
I was so ready for it, from the beginning, but I didn't have many friends. Ever since I can remember I tried to get people to play character-based pretendy funtime games and then gave up as I got older. Then I had a boyfriend who was a D&Der and he introduced me to dice-based RPG and I went OMG this is awesome! From there we found other players and did AD&D and mostly GURPS (Generic Universal Role Playing System). I found the internets somewhere along the way and started playing there too, for more character-intensive stuff, with the dice games for my action and hack and slash.

Do you rp anywhere other than lj?
I no longer have a group for tabletop gaming but the family does a lot of games written in notebooks. we did that for years before we came across LJ.

Do you play in any public games?
Sure, although I'm not as active in it lately. LJ mostly.

Do you prefer first-person comment spam or prose logging?
Oh prose, definitely. For the first half of my life thus far I wanted to be an actor, so the body language of a character is very important to me. There's so much that people say all the time without words. you're really cheating yourself leaving that out.

What was the first character you ever played?
Ever ever? Oh man, I don't know. Honestly. I do RP with characters that I came up with ten years or more ago, and the oldest of these is John Mitchell, but he's not on LJ. I think the first on LJ was Dirk Gently, but I'm not 100% sure on that, even.

Who's your favorite character to play now and why?
I have a massive character list, only a fraction of which has ever been on LJ. Damien Stockholm has been my favorite of my characters for about twelve years. He's very Gary Stu in terms of his basic personality and speech patterns, but then he's got a whole host of other aspects that have nothing to do with me. He's also versatile because he works well in both action-based and character-based games.
Dirk is fun and some of the style I write D.S. in was based off the Dirk Gently books, but I can't play Dirk if my energy is at a low ebb because he takes more work.
Telve (also not on LJ) is the second fave char on my list, because he's a cantankerous old man who can kick your ass ten times over with a magic and still have something left for the ladies.

What's the longest you've ever consistently played one character?
See above about old characters, john Mitchell has been around forever although he's evolved. Dirk is probably longest and most played on LJ, but really I tend to jump around from one char to another all the time. I play characters in cycles, even in the paper games within the household.

What's your biggest rp pet peeve?
I loathe the demon that is powergaming, of course, but on the flipside I can't stand playing with people who don't give me anything to work with. When you describe your character's expression and gestures and have them say a few things and the response is two words of dialogue, what are you supposed to do with that?

Do you read rp secrets and the rp anon meme?
Nope. Barely know they exist. Like it that way.

If you've played in public before, do you prefer community based or journal based games?
I like both, it kind of depends what mood I'm in. Comm based is very loose and you don't know what you'll get, and it's a fun way to meet new people. Journal based with one or two other people is nice for character development and more serious stuff.

Would you rather play with someone who's very very ic but a mediocre writer or someone who isn't always ic (but not terrible) and a great writer?
I like good writers, and IC tends to leave some room for interpretation. If I don't know the character I may not even know they're not IC. Something really funky like, I don't know, a Severus Snape who's possessed by a demon that made him join Voldemort's side and now he's free and wants to tell everyone about his gay sparkly vampire lover is the kind of thing that makes me edge away quietly though.

Do you have a "rp partner"?
Bridgie, I think. We do more RP on paper than online lately though.

Do you ever stalk any casts, games, or players? who?
I tend to 'stalk' the stuff that people I know are involved in, because I know it's good reading and I like to see what they're up to. Once in a while I'll come across someone I don't know playing a char I like really well and spend a while poring over their LJ entries for fun.

In your opinion, which part of an app is the most difficult/annoying?
The whole self-confidence devouring part of putting it in for somebody else to read and judge. I don't think I'm currently in anything that needs an app.

Are you one of those people who has to customize their character's journal layout and userinfo?
I do, but usually a minimum compared to other people I know in the household... ahem, who try to bribe me to art up their journals. I tend to go with something basic that feels right for my char and leave it at that, I'm usually way more concerned about the icons than the layout.

What was your first game?
Really really? First game ever? Trying to run a diceless dungeon crawl for my boyfriend using paper and pencil to draw out stuff he saw and map his course.

Are there any canons you avoid tagging characters from?
Not really but I generally look at the character and how well they're played and if they have a little userinfo first.

Most memorable scene in any thread?
Oh man... too many. Although Dirk waking up naked on Hips and Ramon's couch after being a cat for a few months does stand out. There's been some really awesome stuff in the Dark City RP, the funeral for Rat' buddy Willie was very sweet and definitely falls on the far opposite side of the spectrum from anything with Dirk. Yes, I can play both comedy and serious...

Do you rp sex?
Yes! Not online! Not with anyone I don't know really really well!

Do you play more males or females?
I play almost exclusively males and I used to kind of wonder what that said about me until I realized there's a huge female-RPing-males population.

What won't you rp?
Sexual stuff with anyone I don't know really really well. That covers a huge range of stuff, ultimately.

Dressing rooms: yes or no?
Don't use 'em... not sure I know quite what they are although I've looked in others a couple of times.

Ever rped a pairing?
What, both sides? Not sure what this means. Probably not really.

Favorite place to play: musebox, open posts, public games, private games?
As I said before I like the public open stuff and the small private stuff for different reasons. I guess I prefer the open stuff lately, because it feels like less pressure to be on my game, which I feel like I'm not when there's a lot of shit going on irl.

Talking rp with someone else who plays your character: fun or awkward?
Never had it happen. Honestly.

A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it".
1. Ninety percent of my original RP characters are intended for some comic book idea.
2. I have a really hard time RPiing a character until I've drawn them on paper.
3. I have gone wandering IRC late at night in desperate search of RP.
4. I'm always awkward and edgy about playing any fan character because I'm afraid of getting them perfectly right and IC (I'm kind of over that with Dirk).
5. I tried playing D.S. in the Nexus and he just didn't work and I stopped because that really bothered me that he couldn't make friends.
6. I dropped teenage Dirk in MAHS because it was so cliqueish that it reminded me painfully of my own outcast days in school which I've never really gotten over.
7. I really miss GMing.

I know they didn't have to be RP related but there you go. nobody tagged me, that I'm aware of, so that makes this easy...
dragonwhishes, placeboweek, the_wugglyump, morripede, shadowtricker, mephron, & amethystlight.

rp stuff, memeage

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