Aug 28, 2005 16:17
So I've completed the first week of my fifth year of college (aka, the victory lap). The semester should be a blast and if all goes as planned I should be able to pull of a throwback to my early high school days and get straight A's this semester. Grades don't really matter to me that much in the grand scheme of things, but I would like to prove to myself that I am still capable of acheiving this feat. I was cast in this semester's production of "Working" where I get to play a businessman, who oddly enough is named Rex, and a trucker named Frank. It should be a good time, and I get to do a musical with Petey. Should be interesting. Classes this semester are going to be fun, mostly because I have no more core stuff to take so it's all theater from here on out. Last night was the "bring a freshamn to the party" party, and it went off swimmingly. Everyone seemed to have a good time and they didn't destroy the house so I consider it a success. That's about all that I have for now. Oh, I'm still looking for a weekend job so if anyone knows of something let me know. This is Rexual, peacing out.