Mrs. Methamphetamine

Oct 09, 2009 15:41

Aaaah x_x English 1301 today, and it was a pain as usual. But some good came out of it I guess, the good thing being a mystery solved. I have discovered why my teacher treats us all like a bunch of morons -_- and it has to do with politics. Yaaaay, she’s a flaming liberal! My favorite! Le sigh, man where do I even begin with her crazy theories. Firstly...she sees America as a back stabbing lying country that is completely unjustified and Mexico has every right to hate our guts. Especially Texas and the Rio Grande Valley. Seeing as how it was part of Mexico, but we dirty Texas claimed it for ourselves! -_- PFF yeah dumbass, we didn't want to be under the rule of dictator Santa Ana kthanks. I guess she would have been A-okay with that, but I'm fucking glad it didn't happen.

Now, here comes the good part. And listen up because this is so full of crazy, you might not believe I said it. Mkay, according to Mrs. Methamphetamine, the government of Texas has spoiled a generation of students. Apparently, there was a (uber) secret plan (OMG secret =O) going on to dumb down schools, grade schools in particular, so that kids wouldn't be educated enough to get into colleges and stay working low wage jobs. The Texas government wanted a whole "slave" workforce for the crappy jobs nobody else wants to do...because SOMEBODY has gotta do it! The generation she speaks of is my generation and the newer generation, so those who are part of my generation and are in college are the lucky ones! Yeaaah that it, we defied the odds, so go us! -_- what a load of BULLSHIT, Texas government DUMBING down schools? I think not, I always remember my elementary school striving for high grades, and my middle schools did the same, even if all they taught was the fucking TAAS (TAKS) test. A nice hunk of Texas money goes over to fund education. Ah, also she thinks that Oregon, her home state, has muuuch higher standards than Texas and people are better off getting education over there. And of course if you get better educated you get better jobs, but honestly that’s ridiculous. So yes, Mrs. need to calm the hell down, kay?!! Anyway, she treats us like we are idiots because she honestly thinks we were screwed over by the government, and the English we were supposed to have learned in, say 6th grade, wasn't learned because of the government. Damn hippies and their establishment hate. Oh did I not mention she was a hippie? Ha silly me, yes she was a hippie, and still considers herself to be a damn hippie. AND according to her, the internets was a hippie invention! Oh yes...apparently we got tired of having the US Government "spoon feed" us the news, so the internet was invented to give an unmonitored, unedited, news feed, which is better than watching government news because they manipulate us by editing stories!!! *gasp*!  -.- *siiiiigh* she is hopeless...and I'm stuck with her for the rest of the semester.

Of course, being a liberal, she is a Bush basher and I quote this verbatim "I wouldn't trust that man to baby sit my dogs for two hours, let alone run my country! Guys, you need to vote right, we can't keep voting for these guys. You young people need to get up and vote!" and OMG I was about to explode at that statement. And what let fucking Al Gore be the prez? The guy made a documentary about global warming, how man is causing it, and how we can supposedly control the environment willy nilly. Yeah, suuure we have that type of power, but jeez having a guy give THAT type of documentary be president? I don't think so, I would have voted for Bush if I was old enough T_T, but unfortunately I don't remember much about the campaigns, I was a bit too young.

I'd also like to say that she is just racist. She is very bitter towards "white" people in general, and thinks that "white" people are narcissistic ass holes who ignore all the contributions of every other race, whether they are black, Asian, or Hispanic. She likes to focus on Hispanics though, saying that they were cheated by the US with the whole Prasero (sp?) thing. She has the impression that when it was disbanded in the 50's the US started running out the Mexicans, and that they were coming back illegally into the US just to reclaim what was rightfully theirs. Thus, it’s our own damn fault for the illegal immigrants and we DARE tell them to get out after what we did to them?? *scoffs* America is such an ass! -_- yeah, Mrs. Steinert is killing me softly. Also...she thought I was white >.> she called me her "Token white person in class" right in front of my dad. LOL he looked so surprised at this, and said "aha, you don't know her secret then do you" and Mrs. Steinert was just like "...o_o?" And then I chime in and say "-_- My mother is Chilean, I'm half Chilean and several other bazillion things" haha, she just stared at me kinda blankly for a bit and said "Ha, so you have no idea why I stress the Chicano title do you?" and I respond "nope! It really doesn't matter to me or my mom :D."

So she knows that I am not Mexican nor Central American, or a "pure-bred" white person. -_- Gah, I suddenly have the urge to say "Imma MUDBLOOD :D!" just because she seems to think that all "white" people are pure-blooded Scots/Irish/German all the way. Um HELLO white people are a mix of all sorts of things! GRR! *head desk* On a brighter note, we are indeed able to make a fictional business for our brochures. HAHAHA she is going to adore mine, I guarantee it >:)

Bleeh anyway, I think that ends my ranting today -.- I was just AMAZED at some of her thoughts and had to share them. This is Rexin, signing off after a good day’s job. Over and out.

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