Paradise City & Cry Little SisterAuthor: Zexions.emo.girlRating:
One for chat form, one for OOC, one for reference fails (Using song titles for all of her chapter names, Twilight and mixing up Friday the 13th with Nightmare on Elm Street) and one for being a bad AU fic. (Yes, I changed it. Added one more heartless)
Full Name (including any titles): Axel, Zexion (Zexy-kun, Zexy-poo), Roxas (Rox), Demyx.
Full Species(es): Internetus Pointlessnessus
Hair Color: Doesn't say (Within the first 3 chapters that is). I guess it's better than being reminded everybody's hair color every time they speak or do something.
Eye Color: Doesn't say (Within the first 3 chapters that is) I guess it's better than being reminded everybody's eye color every time they speak or do something.
Unusual Markings/Colorations/Physical Features: This badfic isn't really descriptive. ._.;
Special Possessions (if any): All the gay porn on Zexion's computer and Organization members have an account on a internet game. BLASPHEMY!
Origin: From the mind of a fan that plays too many MMORPGS and chats with her friends too much.
Connections of Canon Characters: Hopefully these are just really bad roleplayers.
Special Abilities: To be able to successfully threaten to 'kill your friend' if they don't agree to join a site.
I Say/Notes: The fact that this fic is in a chat form most of the time makes me want to punch the wall. The chapter titles are also pretty corny. (I think they're all song titles...) Also
Chapter 3 scares me A LOT. Trust me, that doesn't happen too often. At first glance, the spelling and grammar seems decent in the parts that aren't in chat form. The characterization is still horrible in some areas though. It's so hard to find decent pairing fics. (I'm fine with ANY pairings, it's just there's rarely any nicely written ones)
I really hate fanfiction where they play the "0mg, I'm gay and my parents might hate me for it! WHAT SHOULD I DO!?!?!?!? ANGST ANGST ANGST" card. It seems really corny considering the fact that Zexion's parents ARE gay.
This is the first part. Roxas: *is shoved in through a portal by Xigbar* You bastard! You appear more in this badfic! You should spork instead of me!
Xigbar: Man, are you crazy? There's no way I'm letting a squirt make me stay for this torture. I had to give a ton of munny in order to bribe my way out of this. *shuts portal*
Roxas: *grumbles and takes a seat*
Demyx: Hey Roxas!
Axel: Welcome to Hell.
Roxas: *slumps in his seat* Ugh...
Axel: By the way, you said Xigbar was in this?
Demyx: Errr... You'll see... *has already skimmed through the first 3 chapters of the fic*
Roxas: I just skimmed through the script and saw his name appear a few times.
Demyx: I wonder where Zexion went?
Roxas: He managed to escape...
Demyx: Well look on the bright side-
Axel: There's a bright side to this?
Demyx: This chapter is kind of short.
Roxas: *shudders* I don't know if that's good. I've heard of tons of badfics that were mind-scarring but they were incredibly short...
Chapter Two
Axel: I bet 100 munny that the name of this chapter is just a stupid song title.
“Zexion, honey, you’ll be late for school. It’s time to get up and dressed.”
Demyx: So, who do you guys think Zexion's parents are?
Roxas: Aerith and Leon.
Axel: Cloud and Tinkerbell.
Demyx and Roxas: *stares at Axel*
Axel: *shrugs* I try to expect the worse when it comes to badfics.
Zexion pulled the covers over his head and sunk into the mattress as his father shook him and said his name.
Demyx: Then Zexion sunk so far into his mattress that he disappered from this dimension.
Axel: That was the father? *laughs* Nevermind, it HAS to be Marluxia.
Roxas: Even though he's one of the strongest members in the Organization, attempted to overthrow Xemnas and doesn't act fruity in anyway that all doesn't matter because he has PINK hair!?
Demyx: Maybe in the Kingdom Hearts game there was a secret cutscene that only crazy fangirls can see and in that scene, there are only OOC versions of us?
Axel: Or maybe they were just smoking something while they were playing the game.
He heard his father laugh at the way he reacted. True, he had been adopted. True, he had two gay dads.
Axel: I change my mind. It must be Marluxia and Saix.
Roxas: Why couldn't she just have written 'It's true that he was adopted and that he had two fathers'?
False, he loved being gay. He hadn’t told either of his dads about him looking up naked men on the Internet or downloading gay porn just to get rid of the tightening in his chest.
Demyx: *starts humming 'The internet is for porn'*
Roxas: ... I can see why Zexion tried so hard to escape. Why is the 'I' in internet capitalized?
Axel: Because it's speshul.
“Zexion, you’re just like the little boy you were years ago. Not wanting to get up, refusing to get dressed, go to school… I guess childhood never leaves a soul.”
His dad rubbed his back and sighed. Zexion’s second dad came into the room and sat down on Zexion’s bed with his boyfriend.
Roxas: *hopeful* Maybe she didn't use a real character for Zexion's parents! Maybe they'll just be Dad #1 and Dad #2?
Demyx: I hate to disappoint you, but just wait for a few more lines...
Axel and Roxas: D:
“Aw, still daddy’s little boy.” Zexion’s hair was ruffled by his second dad, he shivered at the touch.
Roxas: I spy-
Axel: Suggested incest? *keyblade'd*
Roxas: I was going to say a run-on sentence.
“I still remember when he was just a tiny little boy and he held onto your neck that day.
Axel: That sounds like Zexion was a monkey when he was little.
Demyx: -as little Zexion- Give me a banana!
Roxas: Which father is talking right now? Why can't you just tell us who the fathers are instead of being vague?
It about broke my heart just to see that sad little face, knowing that he had to be separated from his daddy. It was just so…”
Axel: Clichéd?
Demyx: 'Kawaii'? *chakram'd and keyblade'd*
Roxas: I'm starting to get really worried. I really don't want to know who the parents are. *closes eyes*
Demyx: *elbows Roxas* Hey, if we suffer, you have to suffer.
“Yeah. Can you believe that he’ll be sixteen tomorrow? October the thirteenth.”
Yay, lucky number thirteen. Crap that’s tomorrow. Tomorrow’s a Friday. Shit.
Axel: Thought typing fail.
Roxas: *flips through a random calender* I think this was being written in 2006... Found it!
Axel: Well?
Roxas: 10-13-06... Is actually a Friday!
Demyx and Axel: WHAT?
Axel: Wow! The author was RIGHT! The world is ending!
Demyx: Is it that hard to specify who is thinking or talking? I know there's only 3 people in the room, but it'd make this less boring.
“Just think, Xaldin, he’ll be driving a car. He’ll drive by and we’ll see a pretty girl in the passenger seat next to him and they’ll be holding hands.”
Axel and Roxas: *SPITTAKE* XALDIN!?
Axel: Fuck the what!? Xaldin as a loving parent of Zexion? I don't think so. NOT IN ANY UNIVERSE. THERE ARE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE MY HORROR.
Demyx: This is the badfic universe, remember?
Roxas: *silent with shock*
Axel: God damn, I really don't want to know who the other father is. I really don't.
Demyx: "He'll drive by and we'll see a pretty girl in the passenger seat next to him and they'll be holding hands?" Unless if for some reason Zexion still has his power to clone, I don't think he can drive and hold hands in the back of the car with someone at the same time.
Roxas: -as Zexion's girlfriend- Ummm, Zexion? I don't think it's a good idea to hold my hand while you're driving.
Axel: -as Zexion- Wait until I drive past my parents- HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL, IT'S A TREE! *crashes*
Demyx: Ugh, don't remind me of that Lama badfic...
“Yeah… Our little boy’s going to be turning into a man.”
Axel: What the hell is that? \****/?
Roxas: A censored swear word between slashes?
Demyx: A four-eyed alien?
MelodiousNocturne: How did school go?
Schemer: it’s school, what do you expect? Yeah, we’re going to hold hands and get in a big circle while singing It’s A Small World.
Roxas: So this is the chat form I was hearing about?
Axel: -as Zexion- It's school, what do you expect? All we did today was kill fluffy little animals while I cried tears of emo emoness. The usual.
Axel and Roxas: *stare at Demyx expectantly*
Demyx: What? I'm not going to sing that! I have dignity!
Axel: *snerks*
Demyx: Jerk... Ugh, I blame Jiminy and his stupid journal.
MelodiousNocturne: It’s a small world after all. It’s a small world after all. It’s a small, small, small, world. LOL
Schemer: Not funny.
Roxas and Axel: For once, I agree with badfic!Zexion.
Demyx: I forgot that badfic me has no dignity. D:
MelodiousNocturne: I think so. When’s your b-day?
Schemer: Tomorrow.
MelodiousNocturne: Ah! Happy birthday! =B right?
Axel: Yer doin' it wrong. You're supposed to say 'Happy birthday' ON his birthday.
Schemer: if you can say happy to a birthday on Friday the thirteenth.
MelodiousNocturne: what… it’s not like Freddy Krueger will come after you while your in a dream. Sleep with a lighter or matches if you have to. LOL =)
Demyx: Is THIS why she wanted it to be Friday the 13th?
Roxas: Probably. Zexion always needs a reason, no matter how stupid it is, to angst.
Demyx: No, I'm talking about the lame joke badfic me made. Wait, JASON is the crazy murderer in Friday the 13th! Freddy starred in 'Nightmare on Elm Street'.
Axel: The author must only watch cheesy anime and all that crap on Disney Channel.
Roxas: *to Demyx* You watched those movies?
Demyx: *shrugs* I get bored.
Schemer: Ha, ha, ha. Not funny. =\ When’s your birthday
MelodiousNocturne: it was last month, the twenty-first. You can still wish me happy birthday though. If you want
Schemer: whatever happy birthday. Now I hope a vampire bites you so you can live through eternity =B
All: NO!
Axel: Fuck, is this going to turn into a vampire badfic? Why didn't anybody tell me about this!? What's next? Will people start sparkling and become idiotic or bipolar?
Roxas: Won't you DIE if you get bitten by a vampire?
Demyx: That's not sexy to fans so they changed it. I think that a person would die if they had sharp fangs, like nails, jab into their neck and then have a lot of blood sucked out from their neck.
MelodiousNocturne: no! I only want to live forever if you’re with me =B. I bite you to =B. there, now you’re a vampire with me.
Demyx: Do not want. D:
Axel: Do not pass go! DO NOT COLLECT $200!
Roxas: Badfic!Demyx's IQ is dropping fast! *points at the grammer fail*
Axel: It's under 9000!
Demyx: D:
Schemer: Demyx, you’re insane. But you’re still the only friend I can trust. Have you told your parents that your gay?
Demyx: I'm the only friend he can trust? We just met yesterday! What about the other friends that he probably had for years?
Roxas: It seems like the only friends Zexion has are friends on the internet. Also, how did she mess up that last part? She used you're and your correctly until the end.
Axel: THAT is why she wrote most of this in chat form! She figured she wouldn't have to give a crap about correctly all of her spelling and grammer.
Apparently Demyx has a lesbian mother and a bisexual mother and father. Blah blah blah, Zexion causing depression over his sexuality, yadda yadda yadda... Let's meet and fall in lurve, snip snip snip...
MelodiousNocturne: I can’t help you there. Hey, more people showed up on my screen.
Axel: -as Zexion- They're heeeeeere...
Demyx: -as himself- Who's here?
Axel: -as Zexion- The badfic computer people.
Pyromaniacs: I knew you were gay!
Roxas: And why does that matter to him? I thought Axel was the one making all those flirty rapist comments towards Zexion.
Axel: Nah, it's totally normal for friends to talk like that to each other. ESPECIALLY if they're both guys. *sarcasm*
Roxas: *moves away from Axel* ....
Axel: C'mon Roxas! I was being sarcastic!
KingdomKey: Zexion, hurray.
BladeOfDestiny: duh, you guys are complete idiots.
KaiKai: shut up Roxas, you didn’t even know.
Demyx: Seriously, how does this game work? How did all these people get in this chat?
MelodiousNocturne: I’ll talk to you later.
Schemer: yeah…
Roxas: Can't they just go on a private chat somehow?
Axel: The game is so crappy, there is only one chatting area and we're the only idiots that play it.
MelodiousNocturne: tell me when you’ve told them. Okay?
Schemer: sure.
MelodiousNocturne: 3 =B bite you… LOL
Demyx: *face+palm*
Roxas: 3 =B? What's with the random 3? Did that ':3' face get eaten by the other smilie?
Axel: *chucks chakrams at the screen* Stop with the fucking vampire jokes!
Screen: *impervious to the attacks as usual*
Schemer: okay, you are a bit funny. But I’m not putting L O L anytime.
MelodiousNocturne: Heart, vampire, or smiley face will be fine. Even tongue. =P or =B. 3 Love Heart. =). Or even this =O.
Demyx: *proceeds to hitting his head on the wall*
Roxas: Hey, where did everybody else go?
Axel: They all died.
Roxas: We can only hope.
Schemer: =) that looks like Scream. =O
MelodiousNocturne: HA! LOL. 3
Schemer: 3 =B
Axel: '=O' really doesn't look like the scream.
THIS is The Scream
Roxas: I thought that '3' was a similie typo. Is that really a face or are they talking about the number 3?
Axel: *twitches* Please don't say anything that makes me think of Xaldin.
Roxas: I was trying to forget that! *keyblades Axel*
Zexion exited out of the game and shut his computer down. He thought of ways to tell them that he was gay. How would he tell them? When would he tell them? What would he say?
Demyx: The drama!
Roxas: The angst!
Axel: The stupidity!
Demyx: Find out next time on "Unnecessary Sexuality Angsting with Zexion!" *plays a cheesy theme song*
Questions and confusions soared through his brain.
After a half hour, he got up and walked out of his room
Roxas: That was... really anti-climatic. It's not even funny.
Axel: I don't care, this chapter is finally over. Short my ass, that took forever.
Demyx: It seemed short when I skimmed it...