Three separate but equal mysteries
A random person
So a random person, known solely as
ferebend has been reading my livejournal. I'm fine with that, of course, but I suppose it's just odd to me that anyone, least of all a complete stranger, has any interest in my life. He obviously found me because we are probably 2 of like 10 people in the whole LJ universe who has "linguistics" listed as an interest. (Actually, I'm sorry. I just checked, and there are 469 users with this interest.) Anyway, I decided to read his last few entries and found the following website:
ultrasonic ringtones. You can check it to see what the highest frequency is that you are able to hear. Most adults can't hear over like 20 kHz. It seems that the highest I can hear is 16.7 kHz, unless I have the volume on my computer turned up all the way and my ear next to it. Then, I can hear 17.7. Anyway, welcome, random stranger.
Last night, I went to the Inn Place, and Durodgio met me after a while. There was a lot to be in the business about. HippyTom was there, the hippy who has been working for Jeffrey of late. Later, when Meagan and Benjamin arrived, Hippy Tom went over to Benjamin and apologized. Here, we have three separate but equal mysteries:
1. How is it that Hippy Tom can work for Jeffrey most every day lately? Is he unemployed?
2. What was Hippy Tom apologizing to Benjamin about?
3. What was up with Benjamin in the first place?
Since I am both incredibly nosy and skilled at obtaining such information, I obtained the answers to all of these questions.
1. Hippy Tom does contruction. His boss has put the team on hiatus for a few months. Thus, Hippy Tom is not actually unemployed.
2. Last night, Hippy Tom went with other folk into Meagan's apartment; it was the first time he had met her. He lit a cigarette, which is evidently forbidden in that hallowed place. Benjamin rather rudely told him (with expletives, naturally) to leave, and Hippy Tom responded in kind.
3. Benjamin was drunk as anything. He had been at a pool in Grosse Pointe or something earlier that day, and he told the VP of his company to eat a dick. He was a bit concerned about the repercussions.
Durodgio and I have been banned from Memphis Smoke. Evidently, we didn't tip the bartendress, and she said that we were rude. I gave my money (including tip) to him, and he put down everything. So, I suppose it's very possible that he didn't leave enough for tip. Still, I think that non-tipping would have been justified, considering how inattentive the bitch was. I have no recollection of us being rude to her, but in hindsight, I wish I would have been. I will be happy never to go there again. We found out because the bartendress and a guy that Durodgio and Peruvian Rick went to school with told Peruvian Rick. Fuck that bullshit.