Jan 29, 2007 06:13
The Garrulous Landlordess
So clueless
In 47 minutes, my two consecutive 13 hour days are over...I don't have to do that again until Friday. :sigh: I work 1800-0230 on Wednesday 1800-0730 on Friday, and 2300-0730 on Saturday. Hurrah. Come on, paycheck.
As I was just in a room registering a patient, Lottie walked by and said "I'll be back in a few minutes, but Chris is here." I responded with "What does that mean?" I have probably seen Chris like 5 times now, and our shifts have always overlapped by an hour or an hour and a half. Even though her job is bedside registration, I have literally never seen her stand up off her skinny white ass to go to anyone's bedside. Ain't that about something?
Man I am so clueless about so much. I have no idea how to write my initial report. I have no idea what therapy techniques to use. I don't know how to control my client's behavior. I thought that I would have a supervisor who would guide me, but I'm realizing that's not the case. I don't think it's her fault; she just doesn't have time probably to give me one on one attention. I still want to drop out of school.
Since I spoke with the Garrulous Landlordess on Saturday and mentioned the hole in my bathroom ceiling, I wouldn't be surprised if the Handyperson shows up at like 9 this morning. I'll have to send him away. Since I don't get off of work until 7 AM, I would have barely even gotten into bed by that time. The Landlordess talked my neck off.