life is happening!

Oct 20, 2012 08:47

Sorry I haven't been posting as I'd have liked to, guys. I actually have shit to say this time!

1. I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY got my learner's permit yesterday! It was...frighteningly easy. My only problem is that instead of the six months I thought it would have me to get my for real driver's license, I have twenty days. Holy shrimp, twenty days. o I have to get my instructor and shit together pronto.

2. Actually started looking at cars yesterday. EXCITEMENT. There's one I have my eye on in particular. It's white, which I wasn't sold on at first, but now I'm becoming a fan. However, I'm trying not to get too worked up about it.

3. Early voted yesterday. WOO FUCKING HOO. Now I don't have to go to the Coliseum and stand in line for HOURS trying to get it done there.

4. Started my 401K yesterday.

So many adult things done, I was work out. But I used my day off effectively. Success! Now for not so adult things.

The other day, we took our kids on a field trip to a place called Art Quest. Basically it's an art studio for kids. Guys, I was nerdgasming from the stuff. Paints, clay, drawing stations, YARN. SO HAPPY WAS I. So...the last two years have been rough for me art wise, but I absolutely can't walk away from it. I just can't. I'll get my mojo back. Somehow.

I've been inspired this week, though. I've been working on my [qfwiki] (the info, not the site. I was at work)--I've been replacing names and drawing maps. I even started on a historical one the other day. I was proud of myself, I never thought I'd get into history without a finalized language to go with it. I knew you couldn't have one, though, history and language go had in hand. But...sometimes you just have to push through. [/conworlding nerdery] [/linguistics nerdery]

SCANS WILL COME LATER. It looks like shit, it's on lined paper, but I actually did something so FUCK YEAH.

art, money, politics, just life

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