loud twitter is le dead

Jul 31, 2010 11:01

Actually, it's not. It had hosting problems and it's back up. But I can't subscribe or anything. And until I find another batch service (surprisingly, I can't?), my witty and delightful tweets won't be here on LJ. I guess that means I have to *gasp* make actual LJ entries like I used to! THE HORROR! It's a shame because I said something particularly witty. All the more reason to follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/revulo

Well, actually, that's good. I don't actually write, anymore, and I should. So, hmm...life updates...

1. Mom just gave me some of her mouthwash in a champagne glass to try. A CHAMPAGNE GLASS, people. *five minutes of "swishing" later* But it was pretty nice, actually.

2. I went back to work yesterday. We moved furniture and supplies all day. I used muscles I hadn't used in months (pretty much all of them) and now I can hardly walk. Thank you, whoever discovered aspirin. *gobbles four of them*

3. I actually bought web hosting like...two weeks ago. While the domain name isn't as short as I would like (NINE LETTERS?? AGH!!), I think it's kind of clever. But I haven't done shit with it, yet. I just got Dreamweaver and am planning to, though.

4. I am still super-pissed about The Last Airbender (just the movie). It's been in my dreams, lately. Though this morning, when I was half awake, I dreamt of someone doing an Earthbending version of "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious". It was kind of hilarious, actually. I totally recommend dreaming about Earthbending.

5. I hate how Firefox automatically says that "dreamt" is a misspelling. It's not. It's an old spelling. I know "-ed" is the accepted past tense marker, but I prefer the "-t" marker for some words, still. Though I can only think of using if for two verbs, anymore, "dream" and "burn". But I suppose I would for other verbs that end with a nasal sound. Well, no, Because I said "explained"...well, more like "eh'splained"...

I couldn't have said all that on Twitter without some serious tweet spam. So this IS a good thing, yeah?

work, avatar, just life, language

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