but i was born in june...

Jul 28, 2010 18:02

[Secrets of Success]

I wasn't born in the beginning of the year, nor the end, so...maybe that's why I'm so mediocre?

LOL, but seriously. When they get to the "Love kinda sorta = Genius" part...a part of me wants to agree and a part of me is instantly angered by this. Of course, that part of me realizes that they really mean "Love + The 10,000 Hour Rule (+ possibly some circumstances of birth) = Genius" and I can't be THAT mad anymore.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't still a little unconvinced. How can one say with one corner of your mouth that it doesn't matter if you start reading at two-and-a-half or four, then with the other corner you say that accidents of birth may be a deciding factor? And some accidents of birth unrelated to the date may be a part of the talent in the first place, like whether you can do something or not.

I think I'd like to read this guy's book. I'm not sure I understand his position incredibly well.

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