Dec 23, 2009 09:27
So I saw two films (as I recall neither were horror films) and I kind of felt gipped because they were basically the same film.
The two films were Ninja Assassin and The Road.
If I may;
1. Ninja Assassin is 99 minutes and The Road is 111 minutes. Each of those run times is comprised of the same digit, repeated as necessary.
2. Both involve chase scenes, some in a fast car with ninja stars wedged into the hood, some with a rickety shopping cart partially filled with canned goods (I don't want to spoil which movie had which chase scenes so don't ask me or at least put "Spoiler Alert" in your comment).
3. Lots of people were on the run and hiding at the same time. Which is hard to do at the same time.
4. In both films, people are curious who someone was eating lunch with.
5. There are guns in both films and people are getting hurt. Especially their feet (weird).
6. Both films involve the breakdown of government and society.
7. Both are based on Cormac McCarthy novels. The Road is based on The Road. And Ninja Assassin was adapted from No Country For Old Men.
So if you want a more efficient movie going experience go see Ninja Assassin. You'll get one (1) movie finished in 12 less minutes, giving you 12 minutes to go do something else. If you want to avoid doing something else for 12 more minutes go see The Road.
Cost Breakdown;
Ninja Assassin: $10.50/99minutes = $6.36/hour
The Road: $10.50/111minutes = $5.68/hour