Oky, so I promised I'd do some 9GBO icons and I did them. I don't really like some of them, well I usually don't like anything from what I do so yeah XD Anyway follow the cut :3
So.. because I promised them last week I finally did some icons. I'm kind of late, but I finally felt like doing something lol. And when there are new pics of the bands I like well.. they just scream for new icons XD Please credit me if you use them. So:
3 x 9GOATS BLACK OUT 6 x DELUHI 6 x Matenrou Opera 6 x Dolly
Well I was really bored today so I thought I should do some icons. I haven't done anything with Dolly for a long time so I did 2 icons for each member. See them under the cut ~
I thought I should use my LJ more for icons, wallpapers and others, so I'm going to post some icons. They're not very new, but I was too lazy to do something lately, so meh.
[6] x Shou [Alice Nine] [6] x Ryuutarou [Plastic Tree]