Merl and I were taking a walk, as we usually do when it's beautiful out, and I happened to be swinging my arms a little as I walk. I felt a prick in my right hand, and so I looked down, opened my palm, and a dead bee fell out of it
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I started reading Ecce Homo yesterday. It dawned on me the other day how long it's been since I read anything besides a magazine or a comic book, and considering how much I used to read, it made me a little sad. So I figured I'd rememdy that, and I'm glad I did
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So, I went to the doctor's office yesterday, and found out I am down to 107 pounds. ^^ Losing 6 pounds if you're dieting and such is always nice, but losing 6 pounds when you do absolutely nothing is a lot more exciting. I'm still on a good mood high over that
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Directions: On your current playlist, hit shuffle and pick the first twenty songs on the list (no matter how cheesy or embarrassing), and write down your favourite line of the song. Try to avoid putting the song title in the line. Then, have your friends comment and see if they know the songs.
I just woke up to find myself automatically disconnected from FFXI. I told a Linkshell buddy that I'd help him get his Giddeus key, not realizing that it would be a good hour and a half before he got to Giddeus. By the time we got things started, it was past 3am and I fell asleep right at the keyboard. I feel rather awful. I hope he didn't die or
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So yeah. I need to get working on the new layout for my new journal so I can start using it and such. Thinking about an FFVIII theme, actually. Not sure where that came from, but meh
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whoo. an entry. yes. I still know how to do those things, apparently. Anyhow, I have a net connection again, and I have a new journal- not up and running yet, but it will be in the next few days, and if you want to be added, just comment and let me know.