(no subject)

Feb 03, 2007 13:02

in accordance with the next philosophy of striking no from my list of responses to invites ive just up and gone to everything. which has made for an interesting past 24 hours for me. firstly, im volunteering a lot more which is tres bien and i actualy feel as though im obtaining some sort of productive purpose. secondly i like to party. we went to this bar as a part of our residence party. resulting in my usual level of lightweight drunkenness from a wee collection of free drinks i then decided that i couldnt pass up on lots of sour pussy (which is very tasty) and naturally, the orgasms which followed (not quite as pleasurable as pussies by the way) and so had multiples of both (not bad for one night eh?). it was aviva's 20th so we all has some simulatenous orgams and by that point i had reached the heights of drunkeness and was thuroughly assertive in just talking to every motherfucker there was out there. including Boy with wombat, referred to as such since despite being told several times i have no recollection as to what his name really is. Boy is a second year engineering student from the montreal suburbs whom's friend helped organize the party and was carrying around a giant stuffed animal womabt as a part of being in his engineering society, which he assured me is not a frat, but nonetheless requires that a wombat accompany him in all his endeavours for a week. and by the way bar actually served this wombat. awesome. and so i was like hmm ok. and then it was like hmm lets make out for like three hours. and he was cute, despite his boyishness, and then we came back. and then i was like... megh aaactually im kindof not into penis right now. bye. and left him in my friends apartment. then after less hours of sleep than cups of green tea in my day we proceeded in going out for vegan thai for aviva's birthday, running out of time to finish the vegan cunt cake we made her, and going to a pyjama sex toy party in the university bar. and crashing back here and being like. hot damn. theres so many people and so few of whom are ever actual prospects. what the fuck large university life and large city life. you see, sex toy parties are saddening when all you want to do is buy the lot and experiment with some gorgeous lady/ies. but nevermind my magic wand and i have our fun these days.
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