Meme Time

Aug 19, 2011 16:51

I really should be continuing to add all my assorted podfic (how did there get to be so much of it?) to my account at the AO3, but then I saw a meme.

So here's a meme.

If fandoms were relationships.

The one who seduced you, screwed you over, broke your heart in a million pieces, and laughed about it.

Back in the day, Smallville and I had a history of breaking up, getting back together, breaking up, and getting back together followed by what I can only assume ended up being a restraining order. It was never anything I would call healthy.

The old flame you don't see very often any more but whom you still really enjoy getting together with for a few drinks and maybe a pleasant nostalgic romp.

Harry Potter. I miss the heyday of Sirius/Remus something fierce every now and then.

The mysterious dark one whom you used to sit up with talking until 3 AM at weird coffee houses and with whom you were quite smitten until you realized s/he really was fucking crazy.

Utena. And what do you mean "until"? We've been batshit insane and quite happy together for at least ten years now.

The one you spent a whole weekend in bed with and who drank up all your liquor and whom you'd still really like to get with again, although you're relieved s/he doesn't actually live in town.

Supernatural. When it passes through town it's awesome, but again, it is not what I would call a healthy relationship. Best kept at arm's length.

The steady.

I am such a fandom slut. I'm not sure I have one of these. At the moment, I think I actually (surprisingly) have to give this one to Merlin. We've been together for much longer than I would have expected.

The alluring stranger whom you've flirted with at parties but have never gotten really serious with.

Hawaii Five-0. I tried to resist it, but it kept giving me these significant looks from across the room. So I've only recently made attempts at taking it seriously.

The one you hang out with and have vague fantasies about maybe having a thing with, but ultimately you're just good buddies.

Doctor Who. Steady, reliable, quality stuff. But I don't really want or need all that much sexytimes out of it. (Most of the time.)

The one your friends keep introducing you to and who seems like a hell of a cool person except it's never really gone anywhere.

X-Men: First Class. I totally see it and get it, but for some reason I just haven't found my niche in it. I feel like I've missed the fandom bandwagon for it.

The one who's slept with all your friends, and you keep looking at them and thinking, "How the hell did they land all these cool people?"

Oh, Torchwood. Never, ever change.

Although I frequently feel this way about Stargate Atlantis too.

The one who gave you the best damned summer of your life and against whom you measure all other potential partners.

American Idol S8 RPF. Holy crap. Fast, hot, and totally crazypants. But I loved every minute of it. We've since gotten some distance, but it certainly left an impression. And given the right chance, I would totally hit that again.

The one you recently met at a party and would like to get to know better.

Lost Girl. Hello, gorgeous. You and I should talk.

The old flame that you wouldn't totally object to hooking up with again for a one night romp if only they'd clean up a bit.

Buffyverse. I love it dearly, but I just haven't had the time or inclination to come around any time recently.

Your hot new flame.

Have you met Sherlock yet? He's very, very shiny. (New-ish, anyway. Fandom obsession only kicked in at the tail end of 2009.)

The one who stole your significant other.

Honey, we're poly-fandom around these parts. I haven't got an answer for you here.

And now I'm off to see David Tennant's leather pants in THREE-DEEEEEEEE!

This entry was originally posted at


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