Aug 16, 2011 19:40

I had a wonderful, fantastic, very good time at Vividcon this year. I daresay my "DON'T BE MOPEY, DUMBASS" plan went quite well. There was no point during the weekend where I hid in my room because no one I knew well enough to approach was in sight.

I missed both
blacksquirrel and
bop_radar terribly! *virtual hugs forever*

It was great to share a room again with both
butterfly and
rhoboat again. <3 <3 <3

I had so much fun carrying
settiai's Sarah Jane action figure around on Friday and I adored her brilliant Rory vid in Premieres.

I loved hanging out and chatting with my fellow podficcers
paraka, kronos999, and
lunate8 at the podfic party and all around the con.

In a somewhat drunken haze I remember hugging the hell out of
anoel on the dancefloor at Club Vivid because she was absolutely due some hugs.

It was nostalgic and good fun watching bunches of Utena AMVs from recently and yesteryear with laura47 on Sunday, even though there was only an hour to spare for it. (Utena party 2012: y/y?)

I'm happy I got to spend some quality dinner time at Giordano's with jarlsberg71 and
soobunny since I won't get to see them again now for a whole year noooooooooooo.

I wish I had gotten more of a chance to hang out and chat with
elynross, but she just looked so chill, enjoying all her decadent freetime, that I didn't want to bother her too much. ;)

One of these years I will be better at associating names with faces and not be totally uncool and clueless in the presence of the lovely and extremely talented

See also: Chatting with lapillus and realizing that I knew she lived near me, but had somehow managed to forget that fact.

I demand that
par_avion write the Vividcon/Leverage crossover that had been discussed. You know, when she has freetime. <3

It was lovely to see
deejay and her artistically very cool Inception vid from Premieres!

I'm really happy I got to meet
mresundance. It was the perfect post-Club Vivid cool down to go hang out with lierdumoa and geek out about Sherlock!

Many thanks to hellpenguin for both coming to my parties as well as selling me on Lost Girl, finally.

It was fun to talk comics and Marvel movies with fandom experts
fan_eunice and lovelokest over breakfast. I have the feeling that Captain America is going to break my heart in a myriad ways, but I don't really care because apparently Tony takes Steve on a date to try and make him happy and I really need to read that.

I'm really grateful to whoever it was who kept me company in the shuttle and through the security line at the airport. And I am very sorry that I've totally lost track of your name in the meanwhile. But I might have gotten really depressed about having to leave the con on Sunday without you, so THANK YOU.

And naturally, thanks to everyone else I met with and chatted with either at parties, in the consuite, during Club Vivid (who was it with the beads who came up and told me I looked fabulous? I was somewhat intoxicated at the time, but I <3 you mystery complimenter!), and everywhere else around the con.

tl;dr, I had an incredible time. I never get hugged quite so often as I do at Vividcon. And I'm rarely ever anywhere else where everyone is on the same fannish wavelength as me like it is there. Until 2012, con of my heart!

P.S. A rec post will be made as soon as I find the time to make it. (HA, oh dear.)

This entry was originally posted at

my emotions, vividcon

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