
Mar 29, 2005 22:45

I hate having a thousand stories brewing in my head, and no time or energy to get them out. I've been working a lot recently, and my doctor appointments keep me from some of my classes. It's become my Tuesday ritual. Things are just tiring lately. Noah is getting frustrated at the base because the MPs have nothing better to do than to tailgate you until they find something that you did wrong so that they can give you a ticket. I know that they have quotas, but I'm pretty sure that there are some domestic disturbances that could be helped first. For example...they can go and beat the shit out of Ashley's brother-in-law. Could be fun. I don't know if I am stressing and it's starting to effect my energy level, or if I'm just getting more tired because I'm older. Doc said that I shouldn't be taking caffeine anymore, but it's the only thing that is keeping me awake now. Lol, I've gotten to that point where I've started ripping up paper again. Does anyone remember that? I think that I just need to get out or something. Maybe redecorate my room again. IKEA anyone?
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