This is very much "like" working.

Nov 13, 2010 20:15

 It's a cold and rainy November night in the comic store. Lots of hipsters, and a bored old black guy who'll read comics for a couple hours and then leave without every making a purchase - like magic!

Me, I'm out of my skull here. I left Josh alone at the front. I always leave Josh alone at the front. I feel bad for him, but he makes the most of it. Reads crappy books I wouldn't want to have to touch. I like Josh, and I'd like to hang with him more on these shifts, but somebody needs to stay at the back, and somebody needs to stay at the front. That's just how that goes.

Facebook is so dead I can't stand it. Coming up with ways to kill time on the computer at work is like a chore. An hour to go. That's not so bad.

Girls. Birthdays. Drugs. All these things may be awesome in the future.

K is at home, and I love her. She's probably laying around, looking amazing in silky pajamas, which is something only hot girls in comics, movies, and music videos ever do. But she does it to. And it is amazing. I never thought I even cared. But I care. Lots.

Yeah, the internet is boring, and I've read so many comics, I can't read anymore. I have to nerd this way. Typing. Sad, really. Maybe I should try to find something to read. Meh. Who knows.

I can't believe I have my birthday off this year. That never happens. I'm really looking forward to it, or to the "nothing" connected to it. Yes. Watching Misifts, Scott Pilgrim, things which are awesome... I even, almost, have some sickeningly sexy plans for my birthday. Well, not really. But almost.

Ooo... Maybe Anna is on-line, and will talk to me! Yay! 
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