Jun 11, 2003 14:49
last cigarette: like 5 months ago
last car ride: to the record store
last library book checked out: no idea, but it's probaly still laying around here somewhere.
last movie seen: romper stomper
last book read: the grits guide to life
last cuss word(s): ass
last beverage drank: sweet tea
last food consumed: BBQ
last crush: zachary <333
last phone call: justin (zachary's little brother)
last band listened to: motley crue
last tv show watched: no idea...probaly elimidate?
last time showered: this morning
last shoes worn: black and red creepers
last item bought: motley crue theater of pain on vinyl and cinderella tape for zachary's birthday
last downloaded: in your mouth
last annoyance: the dog barking at the cat
last soda drank: diet barq's
last key used: down arrow
last word spoken: gosh
last sleep: last night?
last im: it's been a really long time
last ice cream eaten: vanilla. but it's not boring cause it's from norway...even though i got it at kroger.
last time amused: oh no. it's now.
last time wanting to die: i don't know, not in a long long time.
last time in love: NOW!
last lipstick used: glossy red
last underwear worn: red hot pants that lace up the front like a corset.
last bra worn: black.
last shirt worn: blitz like always
last time dancing: in the car to cash money. booty dancing sitting down. ahahaha.
i have to go get a shot now. boo-hoo.