Jun 08, 2003 08:00
this weekend's been pretty rad. we went to see headnoise and the remnants friday. it kicked ass. but we had to get up at like 8 to drive back home so i could go to work. which sucked. but i had a good day at work. i made like 95 bucks which is really good. but i have to work the stupid double today. man. i'm gonna sew and take tea. man that's a long time to be at work. and i'm really tired and it's raining, so it's gonna be slow anyway. and i know nobody's gonna come in for a piercing after 6 on a rainy sunday night. maybe rat will let me close early. i sewed up my new leopard print pants yesterday. they're so rad. man i wanna just go to church and go back to bed. but no no. i have to go to work for 12 hours. oh yeah, zachary's party is no longer a secret, but what KIND of party it is is still a secret. so like, he knows but doesn't kow anything about it. but yeah, it's gonna be this friday. email me if you need to know anything. cause everybody's gots to be there.