this is the journal of Reverend Glenn Grubbs.
i'm currently a member of
i pretty much am
Image And Nation.
if you found this journal because you were looking for one of those just go the the links above.
i have in the past been a member of The Fiery Hellhounds, Blodhelm, The Necronomicommies, The Deficates, Voight-Kamff, and Spuck.
if you're here for some random reason that i don't know about, i'm sorry. my journal is now friends only. the only public posts i shall be making from now on are going to be announcements regarding Tesseract7 and Image And Nation. those posts will be removed after a certain perod of time. though i may leave things like videos up.
if you would like to be my friend please go ahead and add me, but also leave a comment here as to who you are and why you want to be my friend.
i will let you know one way or the ohter. most likely i'll just be your friend. i'm social and all that stuff.
i don't know why i want this to be friends only now. mostly i guess because i no longer want to share my personal life with everyone.... just those who give a crap. i also hate it whan people leave me anon comments. good or bad it's obnoxious.
so, thanks for stopping by stranger!
if you are a stranger.......