SHINee drabbles [batch VII]
Pairing: this one includes: 2Min, JongYu, MinKey, OnKey, OnJongKey
Rating: PG
A/N: ALL of them were supposed to be happy when I started writing them, but my comedy muse went on vacation too apparently :| I'm not sure of what I think about SHINee's new concept and... I plan on posting more this month. My connection sucks
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Love the jongyu one, idk, it kind of remind me of someone. Ugh.
MinKey was really sweet and god─ the 2min was so sad. I mean, good for Minho who has Taeyeon, i mean, that my het otp of them! but Minjung... so sad for her.
I loved them! Good job bb!
XD it sort of does... at first it was completely unintentional, until the drabble wrote for itself, and it reminded me of someone lol
glad you liked those two!! <33 they were actually written for you until i can write a whole fanfic for you ;_;'
thaaanks /glomps <3<3<3 i'm glad you liked them :3
aw~ you're so sweet bb. ♥ and don't worry about it! :D
i miss you so much hun. ): comeback to me! /open arms
/hugs ;A;
i miss you sfm tooooo ;________; dajsflkjd /glomps ♥
(you mean. lol)
oh, oh! did i tell you that i received your package!? ;─; you're SO cute. /SOBS
;~; /sobs this jjong/onew misses you too ♥♥♥ the /jjongyu emoticon isn't half as fun without you ;3;
yeah it did! like 2 weeks ago, or 1 week ago. lol i don't remember. but─ it was soooo cute! ;─; and, did my letter arrived? ): /SOBS
yeah! i think the same! i don't use that emoticon with no one else but you! /SOBS ;─; Hiro bb! i miss you~~
i only used it to illustrate my comment on the jongyu comm, all the while aware that only me and you knew of our inside joke ;~;
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