013 [Voice; he's giving himself a headache!]

Dec 11, 2010 22:32

[The recording starts out with a resounding din that sounds like a lot of really loud men's voices competing for your attention. It's almost incomprehensible, but if you strain your ears, you can just barely make out bits and pieces of it all.

And the weirder thing is? They all sound exactly like Renji.]

I really wanna beat Kuchiki-taichou-

There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with Reverie La-

I haven't been training enough! I'm falling behind... I'll never catch up to him now!

woke up with, like, THREE puddles of droo-



And we haven't been doin' ANYTHING since we got here!

extra mouths! And they just WON'T SHUT THE- UGH, I can't stand the idea of losing to Kuchiki-taichou again!

There was a full moon out yesterday... made me so mad to think he's probably getting stronger somewhere while we're stuck in this ditch!

Gotta fight SOMEBODY and get some trainin' done so I can beat him!

And now?! N-now I got some weird egg and I think it's close to ha-

You know what else I can't stand?


That stupid Frills!


T-they won't knock it off! At least they're not talking about-

He's like Kuchiki-taichou, just a hell of a lot weaker!

Only reason I wanted to bake him a pie was to throw it in his fa-

[Apparantly giving up on getting out any semblance of a message, the feed is cut off.]

((What. This event. Just... what? xD

Oh, and also? Renji hears your thoughts. All of you. So do share~))

abarai renji

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